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Everything posted by ao

  1. is this the charger that is included in the "first 100" package?
  2. mine is safe for the moment. still no canadian certification.
  3. thanks for that. when is your x3 arriving?
  4. tim: have you heard whether arcan is being updated? ios? android?
  5. I met Lawrence of Arabia camera operator Ernest Day (presumably behind the camera in the photo above), when he was directing second unit on Bethune, in China. We kept in touch and he subsequently worked twice in Canada, once on a project with me. Focus Puller Ken Withers emmigrated to Canada and worked as a camera operator. My favourite story of Ken's: he worked with a director one day that declared he had worked with someone just prior to that who was the focus puller on the famous shot of Omar Sharif riding through the desert haze. Ken embarrassed the director by setting the story straight, that he was the one. The irony of the gullibility of the director was that the gentleman professing to have done the shot was too young.... As was the custom of the time, the same camera crew went on to shoot multiple David Lean movies.
  6. another option, if you don't have time to make your own, from audio root: http://www.ebay.com/itm/321592336966
  7. trew usually has these in stock and you can either add the hirose yourself or have them do it: http://www.trewaudio.com/store/Remote-Audio-BDS-Cable-for-Powering-USB-devices-BDSUSB.html
  8. the original cantarem is compatible, and can be seen regularly on consignment pages.
  9. from the same newsletter: the first 100 cantars are pre-sold. not sure when the second batch are due to arrive.
  10. to the best of my knowledge, chinhda is without representation, at the moment. he is a very talented guy but websites, emails and texts are not his forte. he gave me his number when I visited him a while back. I will pm it to you when I come across it.
  11. further to what john said, since zaxcom does not make antennas, there is no reason to get them from there: http://www.ebay.ca/itm/UHF-SSMA-WHIP-ANTENNA-450-900-MHz-/321112568588?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4ac3ccf30c
  12. maybe someone has a used zephyx for sale : http://www.cinela.fr/catalog.php?pid=58
  13. the kelsey clips are not suitable for the trx900aa
  14. if everything goes as planned, you are correct. my qrx100 happens to be the ifb version, so it is technically a transmitter as well. the customs people have great discretionary powers and can "hold" an item for "clarification". this can take between a day and ten days - they are civil service employees, after all. until the certification process is complete, there would be a red flag that appears if they search their files for "zaxcom". the other headache is that my zaxcom consignment items with trew have been delisted, until certification. I was going to add another qrx200 to my kit but the zaxcom shelf at trew is now empty. it would be very nice if trew could fix some zaxcom wireless items - any items. but that is not the case.
  15. there is that pesky element of the border to contend with. if I send a unit for repair, it seems to me that I would come under the statute of importing an item without a certificate, when the unit returns. I am happy to send my qrx100 unit for repair. if I end up in jail for a year and being someone's bitch, there will be hell to pay. but you know best. http://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/smt-gst.nsf/eng/sf01698.html
  16. repairs are a concern. one of my qrx100 units is affected again by the "green screen of death". sometimes one reboot will do, sometimes a dozen or more. could easily send it in for repair, may not get it back until the approvals are in place. can't afford to be without it, even in its hobbled state. have asked about implementing local repairs, but that topic has been a non-starter in the past
  17. I made a few enquiries and never had the courtesy of a reply. please do forward any info you might receive to this thread.
  18. well, you and the push from others has them less than 8k euros away. it was 30k a week ago....
  19. final few hours, if anyone is interested
  20. you can slow down the boot-up screens sequence by holding down the DEC key while powering up a zaxcom transmitter, to get a better look
  21. have not tried it myself, but have wondered if the following might have merit: http://www.ambient.de/en/products/ambient-recording/boompoles/accessories/qwb-re.html
  22. apple has been reluctant to allow bluetooth based apps, which is one reason why the aaton cantar based app 'arcan', was never ported over to idevices, much to the disappointment of many. I am hoping they will relent and allow aaton and ambient, a 'pass'. word has it that on the iPhone 6, the nfc, will do applepay only, and not be allowed to do anything else - like print. evidently, this is a concession to the banks, who don't want other apps on the iPhone using the same manner of communicating as applepay does. aaton had been considering using nfc for the new 'arcan'.
  23. agreed: having camera and sound gear on one carnet means that you are giving up travel flexibility, either staying longer where you are shooting to going elsewhere for business or pleasure.
  24. the fine would have been levied when the carnet expired and was surrendered to the chamber of commerce, and seen to be incomplete. they also have the power to keep your file open for a year after your carnet expires, in case another country makes a claim against improper travel.
  25. I have the chinhda cover pictured above. what is not apparent from the photograph: there are four zippers at each corner, so that you can selectively have access to any side. there is a velcroed slot on top for access to the boom pole storage points. I think the material is also used for automobile and boat convertible tops. the cover has saved my bacon from rain and snow, and most recently, dust on the prairies.
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