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About chrissilverman

  • Birthday 09/26/1972

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    ruler of time and space
  1. im running out the door...so short and sweet, +1 on NOISEY CAMERAS. have your ducks in a row for this one.
  2. a few questions for our deva 4/5 users on this forum...is anyone using deva software v3.08 in the field yet? if so, or if you are testing it at home in your time off, has anyone had any problems recording at 96K? we did a test here and while changing sample rates the folder we were using (from 48K to 96K,) we had a record error. data was not written to disk, but the machine appeared to be recording, light on etc. does this have something to do with changing sample rates in a working folder? chris.
  3. Im new here as well. Some of you may know me, so for those of you who dont, my name is Chris Silverman, and i am a product specailist at Coffey Sound in Hollywood. I have been promoting non linear recording since 1999 with the original DEVA 1! Jeff and all the early pioneers will remember. It used to be so difficult, and now, whole new sets of challanges are ahead of us. Well hello, and thanks for the opportunity to post to such a good group. chris.
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