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    Austin TX
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    I do it all! Music recording, live mixing, production and post-production sound for film.

  • Interested in Sound for Picture
  1. Also, it appears there aren't clips on the bottom of the bag, which doesn't allow use of a waist band that many other harnesses have... Or maybe I haven't seen the right pictures...
  2. Hmm... Mom's Burgers, Conan's Pizza, Tejis, Lots of places on east 6th and 7th, thaifresh, Cherrywood cafe, Juan in a Million, El Chilito, Hole in the Wall... Thats a good start.
  3. On the topic of making LectroRM more complex... Have you thought of making a queue system? Like, for example, being able to select an audio level, frequency, and power, or any combination, and play them all one after another. Just something I've wished for every now and then, another way to speed things up. Maybe I'm just slow at navigating all the on/off, change setting menus for multiple setting changes.
  4. Yours truly in Port Arthur Tx, working on the feature Hellion. 3 more days to go!
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