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trans atlantic free trade deal (for who)?


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The trans pacific one is worse, or just as bad. Elections won't mean a thing as the trading block has "standardized" laws that we all have to follow. There's a reason the powers that be do things in secret. Look for TPP trans pacific partnership. Welcome to the world wide corptocracy, which was once called facism.

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Well the guy who wants to be the next tory leader says greed is good and big cornflakes (high IQs) go to the top of the pack (and although he doesn't like answering IQ questions himself) is not afraid to uphold some ideas that were at the heart of fascism (ie: the most aggressive, most economically and culturally advantaged groups of people like to consider themselves oppressed by undeserving, genetically inferior masses who dare to do the best they can to survive and perhaps even try organise against genuine widespread oppression).

While precious resources get used to 'convince' others of the merits of our democracies we discover our own democratic institutions aren't of a high enough standard for these 'benign' corporate institutions to consider their due processes to be fair. So instead of observing centuries of established domestic and international law to work out trading arrangements, they convene and adjudicate, in secret, off shore hearings to decide how much 'free' people should be 'compensating' these corporations (through taxation), should 'free' people be arrogant enough to tell them we don't want their nuclear power plants, chemical factories or unhealthy food stuffs forced upon us.

Politicians who tell us they want lower taxation and less state control almost certainly have 'friends' somewhere making a lot of money from our 'client' states and what they really mean is they want to inhibit the state mechanisms that scrutinise how these huge budgets are spent and in turn, let tax funded multi nationals into our schools, waving corporate carrots in front of young minds, no longer encouraged to challenge hegemony. They also proclaim these corporate trading arrangements as part of shrinking state provisions being more efficiently handled by big business. 


Still, i'm looking forward to being told this is the price of having a flushing toilet and many high budget entertainment products to spend my free time enjoying.


Fascism just seems like 1 of several ideological facilitators to these processes, co-opted if you like, for other less explicit purposes, but also disposable should other idealogical rhetorics sufficiently mask what must be done in the name of share holders (some of whom would also like to consider themselves as big cornflakes at the top of the pack with high IQs; whilst others probably like to think of shareholding as indicator and the responsibility of personal progress, if not everyones, and an investment in the future).



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