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Ex Machina

Matthew Sonnenfeld

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Just got back from seeing Ex Machina and was very impressed. Firstly, I really love a good sci-fi thriller and this was great! Excellent story, well paced and a good production.

From a sound perspective, I was very interested in the sense of space. When the main character, Caleb, is speaking with the A.I., Ava, they are seperated by thick glass. You are really able to hear the seperation between them as if you are hearing someone through glass, but even though there is this reverb etc, it is still very clear and intelligable. I was curious if anyone else saw the film and noticed this and if so if they could possibly elaborate on the techniques used or if it seems that this was post sound design (which was also excellent).

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I believe all the interiors were shot in London at Pinewood Studios.  Perhaps some of the JWS visitors from across the pond could lend some incite to the production sound.  I enjoyed the film but there were several questions it left me with.   It has an exceptionally small cast for a futuristic sci Fi Film.  It made me wonder how one man living alone in seclusion could accomplish all the AI work and building all the prototypes of artificial humans that are good enough to fool anyone into believing they are real.   I think he would have  had to have a lot of help.  The sound was excellent in an eerie kind of way even though I found the story a bit illogical.

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I saw the film today and loved it. I, too, thought about the work he completed in seeming isolation and decided it was possible he may have had others working for him and he sent them away during the "test" period. Not so much a break in logic, just some cinematic liberty.

The sound design was excellent and subtle at the right times.

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