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Looking sound people in NY


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Hello JWSOUND members, this is my first post. I’ve been following JWSOUND for couple years. It’s very helpful for my gear choices and some technics. I’m sound designer/sound recordist in Japan. I’ve done several production sound recording and sound mixing for film, TV and  commercial for 7 years.  When I do bag work I boom as well. I’m thinking about applying for a government program of Japan, which to send the young professional in art/film industry to oversea to learn for a year. Each applicant has to find either individual or institution to accept him/her as a trainee until middle of August. I want to work and learn in NY. There’s no payment for acceptance but I work with you for free. Applicants are paid little living expenses by the government. This program is for next year. Applicant has to leave for each destination from September 2016 to March 2017 but I have to find acceptance until August this year. I belong to Japan cinema and television sound creator association. The JSA doesn’t have any connection with US association or sound people that’s why I’m writing this. I’m not that good at English. I have to make my  English skill higher. I’m thinking applying B-1 visa or student visa. If anyone have interested in me please pm me.

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Hi Manodona, 

Welcome to JWSOUND. It's great that you're applying to expand your skills overseas. Both NYC and Los Angeles are the main hubs to do so. 

If you choose NYC, there are many fine sound mixers there to connect with.  I wouldn't advertise yourself to work "for free", unless there are specific rules to the government sponsorship. Even then, living in the city can be expensive. What are the requirements of your program? 

If you ever visit LA, please contact me anytime. I'm half-Japanese, and can introduce you to a community working here under similar programs. 


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Hello from NYC! I'm just trying to clarify the need for acceptance by individual or institution and what that means.  Most sound mixers are independent individuals, so finding one of us to be that "individual" will probably be very difficult as that's a lot of responsibility for one person.  That being said, there are several sound "institutions" who might be interested in sponsoring you.  I'd contact any of the sound rental houses in NYC (Pro-Sound, Gotham Sound) or any one of the dozens of post production sound houses.

There are many advantages to living here for a short time, and also a few disadvantages as well.

- No need for a car.  This is kind of a big deal for short term living as much of the US has mostly terrible public transportation systems making a car necessary almost everywhere, except NYC.  That will save you a lot on expenses by not needing one.
- Plenty of sound work, and plenty of excellent sound mixers to work and learn from.

- Yes it's expensive.  But, if you are frugal and don't mind having a few roommates/tiny apartment, a good time can be had for around $1800-2000USD/month.
- Getting out of the city can be tough.  Trains and buses go all over the neighboring areas, but once you get off the bus/train, getting around can be a bit difficult.

I love NYC, feel free to contact me if you have questions.

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