Recording Direct to Computer
posts regarding production recording where the computer is the main device
218 topics in this forum
- 15 replies
Hi sound people, I have uploaded pictures and information about my current mix cart that I used for the just finished Woody Allen film . Unfortunately the upload did not show up in the gallery section as intended due to an issue with the jwsound site software. You can see the pictures and info here: Email me with comments! Nelson Stoll
Last reply by Gerard-NYNY, -
- 5 replies
For all you Nuendo users, some interesting new stuff coming down the pipe... First off is the new software side of things, Cubase 7 and Nuendo 6. Even more interesting is the hardware controller made by partner Yamaha. It seems to promise ICON like integration, but smartly made in a modular format. A big bravo for making the centre section in a standalone product with expandable fader buckets. I don't know what pricing is like, but it should come in quite cheaper than Avid, obviously gre…
Last reply by Jay Rose, -
- 24 replies
Greetings, Been a long supporter of Boom Recorder for many years.. love it! I found an internal problem with my Mackie Mixer, causing recordings to drift when they run long.. Apparently, a well known issue with the Mackie 1620i mixer.. So, I bit the bullet, went out and bought me a new Yamaha 01V96i. Trying to plug it all together.. And, I'm having some issues. I installed the Yamaha drivers, and the yamaha control software. The input/output comes up in my MIDI controls on my mac. I set up the routing to route the channels to the USB ports.. I launch BR, and set the preference 'Audio' to yahama input. But, I can't seem to get any a…
Last reply by ccsnd, -
- 40 replies
saw this on my twitter feed this morning. usb only? any luck with boom recorder going usb? i see a lot of board mixers nowadays only being usb. Yamaha Launches New 01V96i
Last reply by S Harber, -
- 10 replies
Hello everyone, I finally finished the new preferences architecture in Boom Recorder. Functionally this version is not different, but some of the preferences have moved between the tabs of the preferences window. I really wanted to finish this because I have some plans for changing how time and pull up / pull down works. Although I had the old and new preferences side by side for comparison and I have tested it carefully this is quite a big change. Be careful before going into production with this version, but I would love if you can try it out. Cheers, Take
Last reply by Eric Lamontagne, -
- 5 replies
I am trying to see if there happens to be some sort of AD converters of high quality (like Apogee for example) that accept line in, and output in spdif or adat optical without having to actually connect it to a computer to set up the output settings. The purpose for this is quite simple really: I have a great computer recording system with great mic pres and converters, but a studio I am doing a lot of work at needs to run their own system, but the converters are taking the life out of the sound, even when I bring my mic pres along with me. Their interface has spdif and adat optical, but their computer is super out of date, and I would like to be able to bring along …
Last reply by Richard Thomas, -
- 9 replies
Would the Mbox 2 micro and the bundled software (Pro-Tools 8/48 channels/48kHz/24 bit) be a good option for track laying? I'm not looking for any record-in options as all dialogue and fx are pre-recorded and this isn't something that I'd be using everyday, but the price for it is quite good and it's a unit that I can pick quite easily from retailers here. The last time that I used Pro-Tools was about 5 years ago so it's amazing to see something this small offering what it does. Any thoughts from users appreciated Damien
Last reply by patrickcrisp, -
- 6 replies
Since I got a Mac Mini 2011 I can no longer use my MBox 1 with it. For the occasional voice or FX recording I do at home I am contemplating which USB/firewire interface to get - then I thought, why don't I just use my Sound Devices MM-1 (that has a very good preamp) and go analog directly into the Mac Mini's line in. I tried it quickly yesterday and it sounded OK but am wondering if there is a downside to this? I'm curious what others think about the Mac Mini's A/D converters' quality?
Last reply by Jay Rose, -
- 14 replies
i used to do a lot of MIDI music with my PC and Yamaha keyboards, but that was a while back. I am looking into getting back into using computers. Boom Recorder for my Mac. My questions is, how in the heck do I get multi-track inputs into my Macbook Pro? I have seen USB audio interfaces/mixers, so I am thinking this is the way. I have a Sounddevices Mix Pre-D, but it only mixes two channels, plus two more via tape return, so that's a start, but still it would be nice to get multi-track into the laptop. Also, does the USB audio interface somehow separate channels 3 and 4 into separate tracks? Forgive me for being a total noob.
Last reply by Marc Wielage, -
- 3 replies
Anyone had any experience using the Sony DMW-C3 control surface? It's pretty compact, DC powered (15V), has long throw faders and they occasionally come up on ebay for not very much However, it's made for their XPRI editing system and I'm not sure how it talks to the XPRI software (RS422? proprietary protocol?) I'm wondering whether it could work with GlovePIE or similar
Last reply by Richard Thomas, -
- 23 replies
Hey there Having a very weird issue that just came up in post on my show right now. Im running Metacorder on my macbook Pro and using OS 10.7.4. I know that Metacorder isn't necessarily supported to run in Lion but I've had no problems my past few shows with it. Im using a fire face 800 and an Apogee Big ben Word clock to clock the fire face and my DM1000. Running metacorder in monophonic mode with between 12 and 20 tracks per day (running 8-12 hours a day) to 2 G-tech Mini firewire drives (powered locally, not bus). Ingesting timecode either from a master clock from video when we shoot on our sound stage or from an Ambient Lock-It when we shoot in the field and…
Last reply by chicagosounddude, -
- 6 replies
- 3.5k views Looks interesting- pretty compact controller, 100mm motorized faders and DC powered (not sure if it's 5V or 9V). Price is around £200
Last reply by Richard Thomas, -
- 10 replies
Boom Recorder saves the audio file to disk when recording. But if the computer crashes during the recording, then the header of the audio file is not complete yet and you will not be able to use the file. Use BR File Fixer to rescue these files. It looks at the size of the file on disk, then checks some information in the header that was written and then corrects the header. You can find it at:
Last reply by nickreich, -
- 1 follower
- 27 replies
I've used Avastor HDX drives for this for years and years--does anyone have another drive they like for live MT recording? Min 7200 rpm, Oxford chipset, AC power? phil p
Last reply by Marc Wielage, -
- 13 replies
Not exactly "Recording Direct to Computer" but sort of. I have had no experience with this but looks interesting. "Pro Audio To Go turns your iPhone into a 48 kHz professional audio recorder for use on location by news reporters, journalists, documentarians, musicians, DSLR videographers, filmmakers, producers and editors. With a single tap on your phone, you can record an AIFF audio file in 48 kHz. Upload the file directly to an FTP server or email it, then download and instantly begin using it in your editing system's Timeline. No conversion necessary!" Pro Audio To Go
Last reply by Jim Feeley, -
- 1 follower
- 70 replies
So I'm wondering are Avid skipping the .x steps (as in PT 7.3) and releasing a new version every couple of months so they can make more money? Has anyone tried this new version, is it that different/better tha PT 9?
Last reply by Jesper Magnusson, -
- 1 follower
- 19 replies
I've been investigating options for production recording with a computer, and haven't found anything that really suits it for windows (and I don't want a new fruit-based computer) I've been using RME's global record function on Digicheck to do concert recording for some time, the recording is very stable and the metering's excellent. But it doesn't read time code, there are no metadata options and you have to name files when recording stops REAPER has all the functionality, but it is a full blown DAW and also has many functions which aren't needed on set. Maybe some templates could be useful? Does anyone have experience with either of these programs or any…
Last reply by Philip Perkins, -
- 1 follower
- 27 replies
Hi guys, Just been wondering about how to do timecode with Pro tools 9 and my 003. I have lost several gigs lately because I don't have a recorder that does time code. I have a Tascam DR-680 and a SD442. I know from the studio that I can stamp the tracks with timecode by basically recording a track with a spmte file, but how then to sync cameras? I probably just need to break down and get a 788t, but cant quite afford it yet. Any thoughts on recording or doing playback straight out of pro tools with timecode(without owning SD or Zaxcom)? Some one mention to me that JLaudio makes a box that converts word clock in to smpte...Don't sound reliable to me?? Thanks …
Last reply by Brandon Pert, -
- 26 replies
Thanks to Scott Farr for finding this. January 18, 2012 Bothell, WA – Just in time for the 2012 NAMM Show, BEHRINGER unveils three small format premium mixers that directly interface with the ever-popular iPad. Drawing on the power of the most ubiquitous mobile digital device, the XENYX iX Series mixers are designed to handle live performance and provide state-of-the-art tools to create professional recordings. Users can also sync performances to video by utilizing the iPad‘s video out capability. iX1642USB The new XENYX iX Series, which include the XENYX iX3242USB, iX2442USB and iX1642USB, feature a built-in iPad docking station designed to sen…
Last reply by Philip Perkins, -
- 6 replies
I found an interesting product that could be useful for all those using Mac Mini's on the cart for Boomrecorder, Metacorder, etc. The new iMo eye9 has it ALL. A full 9" touchscreen with improved, crystal-clear 1024x600 resolution plus a 1.3 megapixel rotating detachable webcam…but there's more, much more: a built-in stylus that ingeniously doubles as an easel stand, a standard base that allows for multiple viewing angles plus landscape and portrait viewing modes, easy removal for tablet-style use, and (with the Flex-Arm Mount, purchased separately) quick, secure mounting to virtually any surface! PC and Mac compatible, works with Windows and Mac OSX. http://…
Last reply by benr, -
- 2 replies
New to the I/O settings on Pro-Tools 9 non-HD version. Can anyone tell me how to set it up so my Mix-Pre D is the USB interface for I/O? Thanks!
Last reply by Max Futterman, -
- 12 replies
Hi everyone, I have a question about upgrading Metacorder to Intel machines. Is version 1.5 the first universal binary release? I thought there another previous release that was universal binary... 1.3 ? 1.2 has been working great on the PPC machine... thanks, J
Last reply by davidm, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Might be out of the jurisdiction of this community, but I thought I would try at least. I've been using an Expert trackball for years now (since my post sound days), and had it programmed fairly nicely for Pro Tools use.... thing worked great btw. I have recently upgraded to PT9, which also meant an upgrade of Mac, OS, etc..etc.. Anyways, all is working well other than the customization/programming of the Expert mouse. Hopefully those that edit out there that use one of these on a newer Mac have experience with the new driver software "Trackballworks". I finally found how to program keyboard "keys" to the mouse buttons, but I can't seem to find how to aim the setting…
Last reply by Marc Wielage, -
- 5 replies
I have a couple of jobs coming up where I'm going to need to record quite a few channels of audio (more than 4, hopefully 16 or less). One job is with a lot of people talking and I'll be using a couple of Dugan Model-E's (which requires insert points). The other will be a doc about a modern composer and will include some live music recording. I own a Presonus StudioLive 16.4.2 mixer, which I've been very happy with, and I've been using the firewire out from that to record multitrack audio. But up till now, I haven't needed to worry about maintaining sync w/ video cameras over long takes. I know the StudioLive's wordclock is not especially accurate (altho I haven't yet mea…
Last reply by Philip Perkins, -
- 7 replies
Hey guys, First off- my main experience with audio is small time studio work and a bit of live mixing. I've been asked by my brother to capture quality audio at this wedding he's photographing and having a guy shoot with a D5. I'm planning on taking my fireface 800 and recording to pro tools... Timecode isn't an option as far as syncing the FF800 with the D5 (I don't think anyway). What are some things I should take into consideration? Are we going to run into crazy sync issues with a 20-30 minute ceremony clip? Has anyone had experience using a FF for live recording? I was planning on patching the mics directly into the FF and then outputting them to the live mix…
Last reply by Michael Miramontes,