Recording Direct to Computer
posts regarding production recording where the computer is the main device
218 topics in this forum
- 8 replies
- 2.3k views New audio app, very simple, will (they say) be very cheap, but will look at outboard multi-input interfaces. Most interesting to me is their claim that they can generate very accurate TC (2 fr in 24 hrs) on a Mac or PC w/o an external xtal or clock....a pretty good trick if it works, and worth the price for that alone. Philip Perkins
Last reply by Marc Wielage, -
- 7 replies
Hi there. This is a great discussion group. I've been dropping by to read the posts now and then, but recently decided to take the plunge and join. My background is in music recording and production - studio and live - so I am a big fan of recording digitally directly into a computer using an interface and DAW program. But for doing location work it's sometimes impractical to set up a laptop and rack recording gear, so I have a couple of field recorders for when I am working "out of a bag". Here is my question... I am interested in being able to offer time code enabled work flows to my clients. BoomRecorder looks like a very cool application for tracking …
Last reply by RPSharman, -
- 15 replies
I'm looking to purchase an audio interface to use with my MacBook Pro (2009 model) under $500 as I have a very limited budget. Right now I'm looking at a Presonus FireStudio Project. It has the inputs I need as well as the outputs I need. Any recommendations or tips? I've been running a HD-P2 (as this is what is available to me) and I really need more channels as well as more monitoring. I've got a project coming up that I'd like to run with 1 boom, and 3 lavs. Also, I will most likely run Nuendo or possibly BoomRecorder. I would really appreciate any feedback I can get. I've noticed that the Motu Traveler seems to be used a lot but that would require me to go from …
Last reply by RadoStefanov, -
- 10 replies
Hello, Yesterday I had my first day on the job working with Metacorder on a fast paced second unit TV gig. A Sound Devices 744T handles Master Timecode, Word Clock for a Yamaha 01V96 v2, & backup recording. A Lacie Rugged 500GB HD is the "Primary Record Drive" for Metacorder, while a Sound Devices XL-DVDRAM is selected as "Background Mirror". A second XL-DVDRAM is connected to the 744T. My explanation/questions: 1. While on a quick location move that requires me to strap into a truck I'd like to shut down the cart, but leave my MacBook in sleep mode so I can start back up quickly with a recognized DVD Ram "Background Mirror" available. Is this Possible…
Last reply by Edwardo Santiago, -
- 3 replies
Here's a new gadget from RME Equipped with the latest 192 kHz AD- and DA-converters and two reference class microphone preamps the bus-powered Babyface delivers top sound in a nicely designed and attractively. RL
Last reply by RadoStefanov, -
- 11 replies
has anybody used these two products together? Is it possible to control the "TotalMix" of the RME Fireface with a Euphonix MC Mix?
Last reply by PCMsoundie, -
- 29 replies
Boom recorder is a lot cheaper? Coffey Sound only sells MetaCorder. Anyone got a list of features vs. cost vs. usability? Thanks
Last reply by takev, -
- 2 replies
Just caught this, which was announced in the past week or so: This is obviously a Dell Mini netbook, modified to run Mac OSX. But I gotta wonder if it just might work with Metacorder. The thought of a 2-pound 10" laptop running a multi-track recorder is very tempting. One drawback is that the Metacorder screen is fixed up to a certain dimension, so it can't be shrunk smaller than about 12" or so. Still, this could be incredibly useful -- provided it's reliable. And let's see how long Apple waits before crushing these guys with a sledgehammer (sadly)... --Marc W.
Last reply by zahne, -
- 13 replies
I've been reading thru old posts seeing if I can find some answers about using the Motu Traveler for a computer based rig - and after maybe an hour, my eyes have glazed over and my head is hurting, so I thought I'd just throw a couple of small questions out there. My understanding with the Traveler is that the first 4 inputs are mic level only and the last 4 inputs are line level only. I would probably not be interested in using the mic pres generally (rather line level from a SD mm-1 or mix pre) for booms. When it comes to signals from wireless receivers - would it be advisable to use the line inputs only? With the pad on the 4 mic inputs, could you bring the outpu…
Last reply by graham, -
- 9 replies
I had a great Hoodman "Eclipse" sun hood for my old Powerbook, but it is too small to fit the MacBook I use now. Hoodman doesn't seem to be stocking their Mac hoods anymore, and told me they might not be making them for computers in the future. (All the ones on their site--out of stock--were for G4 laptops.) I found this hood from Europe:, anyone know it? Another suggestion? The MacBook screen is really not as bright as my Powerbook's screen was, so I do need help with it outside. Philip Perkins
Last reply by Richard Lightstone, CAS, -
- 11 replies
Hey guys Found this over on RAMPS Just wondering if anyone has heard anything else about it? Take is there any chance you can fill us in on whats happening with future products and if/when they will be available. Cheers
Last reply by Jim Gilchrist, -
- 12 replies
I have been playing around with boom recorder while we are on hiatus; thinking that I might use it to replace my 744T as the backup recorder. I'd use a Mac Mini and a Traveler as hardware. Boom Recorder works well, but the klugey hardware and delivery system has me a bit put off. I am not used to burning a disc at the end of the day, and I would need to figure out a work-around for that. Our days are long enough without needing to be longer. And strangely enough, the other issue that might put it out of contention is the fact that I haven't been able to puzzle out a way to roll Boom Recorder and my DV824 with one switch. Okay, I am spoiled by my Rollogic and the w…
Last reply by Marc Wielage, -
- 5 replies
I haven't used my BR much, but have a job coming up that it would be perfect for so I've been fooling around with in the last few days. One thing I haven't been able to figure out is how to send the recording to multiple drives while rolling. I know I could ask Take about this (Senator), but I wanted to hear from you guys driving BR all the time on real jobs about how you deal with this. Also--do you use BR's level trim feature much? Philip Perkins
Last reply by Philip Perkins, -
- 12 replies
Installed a copy of Boom Recorder on my MacBook Pro. I couldn't get it to launch, without getting the "spinning beachball" 5 seconds after I launch it. As it turns out, Boom Recorder will lunch with the Mixer (Onix 1620) only if the mixer is plugged into a 110 power. BR doesn't work if the mixer is being powered via the 12vdc option that I have. Anyone else have this issue? It's gotta be a weird issue where the FireWire card simply just doesn't work nice with the 12vdc? weird.. -Richard
Last reply by DBurnette, -
- 9 replies
Last reply by graham, -
- 26 replies
I'd like to look into the little cheap netbook PCs for use in the field, and for recording when I only need a few tracks (like 6 max). One problem w/ this is the application--all the recording apps I know very well are Mac only. Is there still no PC equivalent to BR or MC? I don't need bells and whistles, but I do need time-stamping of files. Philip Perkins
Last reply by Daniel McIntosh, -
- 3 replies
I don't remember if this was posted before but this product seems to be the best for powering your MacBook or MacBook Pro directly from Cart Power or Battery Supply --- far superior to any of the powering schemes that utilize inverters. It comes with a genuine Apple certified Mag-Safe connector.
Last reply by Danijel Milosevic, -
- 14 replies
I'm working on a project that might involve working with a borrowed Yamaha DM2000 mixer. Sorry for my ignorance here, but how does 24 tracks get though the mixer, and into a software app (metacorder or boom) on a Mac Laptop? The Yamaha has no FW (a talk with the Yamaha guys at NAB confirms this), so I'm assuming there's something I'm missing? ADAT? Thanks -Richard
Last reply by Marc Wielage, -
- 14 replies
Hi All, First time poster here with a quick question about recording sound, double system, for extremely long takes (hour to an hour 1/2). Here's the workflow I'm going with (I think) Recording mix and iso's in Logic on Macbook Pro through a Motu Traveller Recording safety mix to 702T 702T TC to Motu Traveller (29.97ND Free Run) Sync two trilevel sync boxes to my 702T Sync boxes go on 2 Sony EX3's (23.976/not sure of mode setting yet) I'm worried about drift since these are such long recording takes. My question is would it be better to send a wireless TC signal from the camera to my Motu or 702T and use that as the master sync? Since it's a multi-came…
Last reply by Charlie Parra, -
- 26 replies
Take a look at ULN-8 is a new unit on the front page
Last reply by davidm, -
- 23 replies
Here's the chain; Yamaha 01V96 AES/EBU out to Mutec Format Changer on D-sub 25. Mutec Format Changer to MOTU Traveler on ADAT Lightpipe. MOTU Traveler to Boom Recorder on an Apple Mac Mini on Firewire 400. Timecode from Denecke GR1 to Boom Recorder on an Apple Mac Mini through MOTU Traveler All sampling rates and bit deapths will be 48/24 throughout. Timecode already shows lock to the Mac at the Traveler. Can I assume that work clock will be carried through the AES/EBU between the Yammy and the Format Changer and through the Lightpipe from the Format Changer o the Traveler with no need for BNC coax? No need to speak about the setup. This rig is fitting …
Last reply by Matthias Richter, -
- 8 replies
Hi all, I have a general question regarding timecode sync and using a FireWire enabled board to record to a computer setup to help me decide how to cover my next show. If I stick with my usual 744/788 setup timecode I understand how to maintain sync in single/multi camera situations. What do I need to do if I use a FireWire enabled mixer into a laptop/computer? Is there issues I need to he aware of inregards to FireWire bandwidth, latency or other? Am I correct in thinking that I need to insert timecode via to recording software using midi word clock? How reliable is this? Can I feed this from my 744? What recording software do forum members use? Apologies i…
Last reply by davidm, -
- 2 replies
Scenario 1. Recording master 2 track audio to a HD Tape Deck, Record Run TC 2. Backup 2 track to 744t 3. ISO tracks to Boom Recorder via MOTU Traveler Plan: 1. Send TC and WC from deck to 744t 2. Send TC from 744t to MOTU audio input 3. Send S/PDIF signal from 744t to S/PDIF in on MOTU (not sure I need to record that input?) Is this still considered daisy chaining word clock?
Last reply by Michael P Clark, -
- 1 reply
I'm wondering about using a laptop with audacity to record. Production has always used this setup and want to follow the original setup with a new sound guy. It'll come out of the 302 via the mix out as I'm already using the XLR"s to send to camera. Levels aren't the easiest to set but I think I got them. I also had to go into the Audio I/O preferences to get a 2 channel recording. On my desktop it works fine but on the laptop it seems as though only the left channel will pass audio. The bigger problem is that they want a mono mixdown on one side of the stereo track and timecode on the other. I could buy an interface to get better separation but the las…
Last reply by Philip Perkins, -
- 1 reply
I have just been recording tests to USB flash drives with Boom Recorder and haven't found a drive fast enough to consistently record 10 tracks without filling up the ring buffer. So far I've tested (fastest to slowest) the Xporter XT 8GB, and Corsair 8gb. Attache 8gb. I'm wondering if anyone has any experience with this method of recording, I've never had a problem recording to an external USB Hard Drive but I thought it might be easier recording to a Flash Drive. Thanks, Patrick
Last reply by RPSharman,