Recording Direct to Computer
posts regarding production recording where the computer is the main device
218 topics in this forum
- 16 replies
This is primarily addressed to Darren and others who may be using Metacorder and/or BoomRecorder on a daily basis. I have had lots of questions from quite a few people about both Metacorder and BoomRecorder, I guess with the assumption that I really know a lot about these things... maybe it is because I often seem like a "know it all" (but it isn't so... I know a lot but not all). I think it could be helpful if those who have had the experience could post the best setups they have arrived at, hardware interfaces, clocking issues and so forth, so that we could all benefit from those experiences. This is not vital but if anyone is so inclined I think it could be very us…
Last reply by curleysound, -
- 8 replies
I've got a project coming up, where they are talking about recording direct on set, straight to a couple of laptops running FCP, through the firewire output on the high def cameras. (2 cameras) Does anyone have experience working this way ? I was trying to think of a way to send audio straight to their computer, instead sending audio out to the camera and having the firewire signal send it back to there laptop. Anyone know what the audio out would be through the firewire ? 16 Bit ? 48khz ? Aes ? I'll probably still record to my 744t, as a back up, or maybe as the master tracks. It seems like this workflow will just invite more possible problems, especially if …
Last reply by Simon Paine, -
- 9 replies
I'm using a laptop for sync playback for music videos with the song in mono on channel one and timecode on channel two. I've been using Windows 98se and playing back with Sound Forge. The output comes from the computer's built-in headphones mini-jack. The setup works really well for this application. The computer is a ThinkPad with a 366mHz processor. I recently added a second ThinkPad as a backup. (Older laptops are dirt cheap -- ain't it great!) So, on the second laptop I decided to install a newer operating system only to discover something alarming. With Windows 2000 or Windows XP, there is a great deal of crosstalk between channels. Using either of these…
Last reply by Jeff Wexler, -
- 3 replies
I've done a lot of hairy gigs w/ Metacorder, and it seems like there are some other folks here who have done a lot more of same than me. But what about BoomRecorder? Anyone using it for high-track count live recording? (above 8 tracks, more like in the 24 tr range). With what interfaces etc? I'd also be interested to hear from some of the folks using it on location/on carts to backup Devas or add extra tracks to them etc.. How's it going? What pitfalls etc? Philip Perkins CAS
Last reply by takev, -
Mac and DVDs 1 2
by larry long- 32 replies
Being new to Mac I'm curios about writing the DVD's for film break and such. Is there a way to incrementally write to the DVD and close the session at break? Ron, How were you doing this with BoomRecorder? Larry
Last reply by Ramsay, -
- 8 replies
Hey all, Not sure if this is better here or in the Mac section. My question is, if I'm going with BoomRecorder and have my mixer and an external hard drive is it better to go Mac->Mixer->HD or Mac->HD->Mixer. My instinct says the HD should be as close to the Mac in the chain as possible, but just want to see if anyone has had good or bad experiences either way. Thanks, and thank you to everyone for all of the useful information and to our host who keeps things on topic and topical. Happy and safe holidays to all! Phil
Last reply by taylormadeaudio, -
- 2 replies
Does anyone know if it would be possible to use a SD 7 series as a firewire interface for boom recorder or metacorder? I know it wouldn't be a practical use of the 7 series, just wondering if its possible. Maybe with a firmware update since it can now interface with external drives? Pass through mode or something.
Last reply by Brian Maier, -
01v96 USB issues...
by Guest Jeffrey Colon- 11 replies
Hello all, I was running studio manager software between an IbookG4 and the 01v96 and everything was working well... I needed to do a bit of spring cleaning and decided to upgrade the os on my G4 to Tiger. My install was an erase and start from scratch... Everything else seems to work fine and the software and files I decided to transfer (from dvd backups) work well. The only issue at this point is after downloading Yamaha's Driver, Studio Mgr Software, and editor... I cannot get the 'puter to see the board on the USB bus. I have queried the 01v96yahoo group and tried a few hours (3498.4) of BS getting them to talk, so far no luck... I am wondering if anyone is…
Last reply by Darren, -
- 20 replies
If you use, or are thinking about using, a MOTU interface, you may find this interesting. There is a company called "Black Lion Audio" that performs upgrades to the pre-amps and the clocks on several MOTU products. I don't often use the analog inputs of my Traveler but I'm always interested in having the best clock available so I have just sent mine in for modification. Here is a link to their website. -Darren
Last reply by takev, -
- 7 replies
Remote roll using Macbook or Ibook with recording programs: Dear All, Is anyone using Boom Recorder, Metacorder on a Macbook with a remote -- (pickle), or a MotuTraveler foot pedal? Any other tested remote control device or interface designed for Macbook or Ibook to work with recording software? Sincerely Ron Scelza Http://
Last reply by takev, -
- 2 replies
Anyone know what steps I need to take to get Metacorder to work with two MOTU Travelers @ once? Gallery sent me a cryptic email about needing to search the Apple docs about OSX device aggregation, which I don't know anything about, and couldn't find anything about specifically on Apple's site. Metacorder can see both Travelers (linked by FW), but seems to be asking me to choose between them (and the built in) as opposed to using them both, as in Digital Performer etc.. Philip Perkins
Last reply by Brandon Barnts, -
Word Clock 1 2 3
by S Harber- 52 replies
This is a spill over from another discussion but I was wondering where folks are taking their word clock from? I usually make my mixer, in this case an 01v96, the master and lock all the other machines, MOUT 828 MK2 to it as slaves. MLan is breaking this style of build as it requires the computer attached to be the word clock master. Here I am experimenting w/ Boomcorder via mLan and it doesn't seem to me that my powerbook would be the best source for sync but it is required to be the master in the world of mLan. Hopefully this will change. Darren Brisker has posted about running TC into a MOTU traveler and then having word sync/line up to that so that TC is bascial…
Last reply by curleysound, -
- 12 replies
I recently did a shoot with the boom recorder software, and upon listening to it after the shoot, it sounds all messed up. There is some sort of echo, and all kinds of clicking that is very much like static, but there was none of this going into the board. Could it be a sample rate issue? Can anything be done about it? I just looked at my settings, and one of them that had always been set at 48K was set at 44.1K, so this is what leads me to believe that it had been changed. I'm sure I'm going to hear about this soon, so I'd like to see if anyone has come across this before? I've done a dozen or so shoots with this software with no problems, so this is a new one on me. …
Last reply by Eric Burge, -
- 0 replies
Last reply by larry long, -
- 29 replies
It is obvious now that personal computers can be used as the main recording device, even in the professional setting of location field recording for picture. This is the place where we can discuss all the ramifications, exchange ideas and real world experiences, and share speculation about what the future will bring to our workplace. Regards, Jeff Wexler
Last reply by miker71, -
Preparing a PC to record.
by Guest tourtelot- 11 replies
Here's the setup: Presonus preamp direct into a Digigram VX440 into my laptop (1.8ghz AMD, 512mb ram) using Cubase SX as a recorder. Three tracks at 44.1k/24bit. When I played back the recording, I had obviously run out of something; RAM, buffer, or CPU speed. Lots of errors. I am upgrading to a stick of 1g RAM which may take care of all the issues. Also probably going to record at 16bit next time. My question is, how do those who do this regularly (and maybe on critical things unlike my failed recording, thank God!) prepare your computer to record. When I start up my PC, and since it is not strickly dedicated to recording, many apps launch and probably run in th…
- 1 reply
After what seemed like a long wait, I understand that Ambient has finally released their new Master clock. It's much smaller size and it's ability to also generate word clock at all standard sampling rates, including pull up and pull down, should make it very useful for Metacorder, Boom Recorder, etc. User's Manual attached. Best, Darren Ambient_ACC501_user_manual_compressed.pdf
Last reply by Philip Perkins, -
- 1 reply
Now if my cart is ever built I'll go into testing mode..... Yea my fabricator is pissin' me off. The traveler seems cool and the macbook and boomrecorder seem fine. BTW thanks Take for letting it recognize the last know config. More soon, LL
Last reply by takev,