The Daily Journal
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999 topics in this forum
- 13 replies
Here is a great app for both iPhones and Android, called Bump. Phones with this free app just have to "bump" the phones together and you can trade your contact info. Think business cards. But you can also exchange photos and other contacts as well. Here is the site, but it's available at the Apple App Store and the Android Market
Last reply by taylormadeaudio, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
version 2.76. First day exploring the unit. After a few hrs, tone no longer engages.
Last reply by fieldmixer, -
- 15 replies
OK, I know I've committed the ultimate act of heresy by going to see a silent movie, but I just had to see what all the fuss was about. While the film is a wonderful paene to the days of the silents, I have to say that I was just a bit disappointed by the cinematography. While it was gratifying to see them stay true to the original Academy aspect ratio, the black & white image doesn't hold a candle to the real deal. All in all, though, a very nicely conceived movie. As always, the dog steals the show, but the acting is pretty good too! (as is the score, even though he borrowed from Bernard Herrmann) Viewed it in digital at the Arclight cinema. Clean presenta…
Last reply by OmahaAudio, -
- 21 replies
This certainly is not your daddy's Motion Picture Academy. After an L.A. Times article 'accusing' the Academy of having a membership of mostly white, males. The article's point is that a private society needs to reflect the country's demographics. The latest brouhaha was wether Sacha Baron Cohen could walk the Red Carpet in his "Dictator" costume. Well the Board of Governors saw a ratings bonanza and after first refusing him, and calling it a "stunt" and revoking his tickets, has relented. Maybe next year the people who play Batman, The Hulk, and a Pirate on Hollywood Boulevard can appear too. Here is the news from Deadline Hollywood. (this link has bee…
Last reply by Marc Wielage, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
The stunt happened... Sacha Baron Cohen just strolled onto the Red Carpet wearing The Dictator‘s full military white uniform in character as General Alladeen from the Middle East Republic of Wadiya. Flanked by two gorgeous women in military mini-skirts, Baron Cohen appears to be holding a funereal urn. (Maybe containing the ashes of the Academy’s integrity?) Ryan Seacrest ofE! played along and addressed Baron Cohen as “Dictator” to which sacha responded, “Hello. Death to the West!” Seacrest asked whom he is wearing. “I’m wearing John Galliano but the socks are from KMart. Saddam Hussein once said to me, ‘Socks are socks. Don’t waste money.” And, yes, that is a fune…
Last reply by Marc Wielage, -
- 12 replies
Blog Post by Daniel Greenfield: Once again the movie industry is throwing itself a lavish party, one in a series of them, even though there is surprisingly little to celebrate. Movie attendance in 2011 hit a fifteen year low and while the industry isn't doing as badly as its counterparts in the music industry, beneath the greasepaint and glamor, it is panicking every bit as badly. There's still plenty of money to be made, but the industry has the clear sense that it has lost its audience. And it has. The movie industry began, as so much else, with the mass production of theatrical entertainment from classical drama to low vaudeville spectacle. Pu…
Last reply by Sean McCormick, -
- 6 replies
I guess this is for the Mixer who has everything... A Dutch company has developed a pair of high-tech trousers equipped with a wireless rubber keyboard stitched over the groin for those who need to dash out a line of code on the go. “The idea was that you could log in to your computer and control it without sitting in a closed environment behind your desk,” designer Erik de Nijs told the Daily Mail. The digital dungarees also sport a wireless mouse in the back pocket and a pair of speakers sewn into the thighs. The company that came up with the idea, Nieuwue Heren, run by de Nijs and his partner Tim Smit, have aptly called their jeans, “Beauty and the …
Last reply by old school, -
- 5 replies
Here's some pics from this week's shoot out in West Texas. Marfa is a rare gem of a town.
Last reply by RPSharman, -
- 25 replies
Xanthe Allison Mader Born this morning 3.13 kg Biggest grin on my face ever, now excuse me while I fall asleep while I can. (null)
Last reply by Peter Mega, -
- 13 replies
Last reply by Boomboom, -
- 1 reply
Last reply by Ray Collins, -
- 5 replies
AP reports that Whitney Houson, 48 has died, news from her Publicist, Kristen Foster. The news service says the cause and the location of her death were unknown.
Last reply by Marc Wielage, -
- 15 replies
I was hired last minute to do some work with a local crewing company today. As per usual, they wanted me to use their kit. It's in wretched condition with a Shure fp 32 paired with an intermittent PSC cable, blown MDR-7506's, busted ass boom with broken internal coil, Softie slipping off the shotgun on an over sized shock mount and a pain in the ass Porta Brace strap that has been so worn down it resembles dental floss more than it does a proper harness. I have used their kit before so I knew what to expect. Busted ass equipment aside, they are good people. I usually bring my own boom setup anyway. The one thing they have going for them, equipment wise, are Lectros…
Last reply by Nicole Hankerson, -
by Jeff Wexler- 19 replies
John Lennon
Last reply by Q, -
- 17 replies
I just found out Beasts of the Southern Wild just won the grand Jury prize at Sundance this year. It was an interesting shoot to say the least. I got a frantic call from the producers at 9:30 on a Thursday night. There original mixer couldn't make it the next day. I said sure, drove 3 1/2 hrs to what I thought was day play. Day was done, they asked if I could do tomorrow. Well, 2 days turned to 30. I couldn't complete the project due to a prior commitment but can tell you the young star was a sweet little firecracker. Anyway, it took them 2 years to complete and happy for all involved. If you read the interview, checkout the mic in the upper corner! It's one of my favori…
Last reply by Eric Toline, -
- 1 follower
- 14 replies
This is an interstitial I sound mixed a few months ago. I thought you guys would get a kick out of the giant microphone. I rigged up a MKH-50 wirelessly in it, as well as a couple COS-11's. We were shooting with about 8 cameras, so boom was a bit far out of the frame and out of the question. Pardon the 30 second commerical at the beginning...
Last reply by Brandon Pert, -
- 8 replies
Inspired by a recent thread/discussion about child laborers assembling our toys and gadgets, I present my original work "Sixteen Yuan". Enjoy! SIXTEEN YUAN (Sung to the tune of Tennessee Ernie Ford's "Sixteen Tons") Liberals say "Rights" is carved outta stone Conservatives say that ya must buy yer own Where is they both when I needs me some? Leerin' at the porno on their new smart phone. You pay Sixteen Yuan and whatta ya get? A tween as a worker and a suicide net Sweet Buddha dont ya call me cuz I cant go I owe my soul to the Apple logo. I was born in a shack in a town that was poor I quit school early for the factory floor Ass…
Last reply by atheisticmystic, -
- 11 replies
Just a note for the National Championship Game. Roll Tide! I am a Alabama Guy! It was a great win. Cheers! Whit
Last reply by FSBELLA, -
- 9 replies
This is too funny. Somebody just posted this on Gearslutz, but I had to repost it here: I know it's mainly for FOH guys, but I like to think the sentiments apply to anyone doing sound for a living. Nice bit -- funny and entertaining, and the singing's good, too.
Last reply by old school, -
- 10 replies
We finished season two of Mr.Young on Friday, (13) th. Of all the thinks I will miss most it will be my Fisher 7. With lots of love and care it was always there for me, never let me down or held up production. Next Wed. I will be hosting a workshop at our studio ( in Vancouver BC.) for all that want to attend,not just soundies. I have no idea how many will show up (hope lots) as it will be a rare learning experience for all. On Thusday / Friday, those that attended the introduction will get some real hands on experience with actors on sets with cameras etc, just like it was real. I think lunch will be provided as well. (tuna-sub) Just kidding ! Phil (KJR)
Last reply by Eric Lamontagne, -
- 4 replies
Since my incident on set last month, I've been reflecting on what could have been done to prevent this from happening. Two things stand out. First is this pervasive "F-Sound" mentality on many set's I've been on. Too many times any guy with a Canon 5D thinks they are gods gift to images which put a strain on the rest of the crew. Most times sound suffers the most as they go off an make a good demo reel of cool shots, but a crappy movie. In my case specifically, the DP is Italian and brags on set how he shoots MOS back home. That's great homey, but welcome to the USA it's called Sync Sound.. Check it out, it's been around a while! More so than egomaniacal DP's, I've come …
Last reply by taylormadeaudio, -
- 1 reply
Last reply by atheisticmystic, -
- 13 replies
The first promos of a major Doco series I worked on this year have been released, really looking forward to hearing the result given that the location was a cavernous concrete shell 100 metres away from a main rail line with freight trains, passenger trains with a road crossing.
Last reply by chris_bollard, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
I'm stumped. This has never happened before. I found this picture of me in the cab of a camera car during the brief time I used the dreaded Fostex PD-2. Under the PD-2 is the small portable mixer I was using at the time but I can't remember what mixer it was! I think it was like the Film Tech mixer but a different name, built in Ireland I think, gray metal, meters on the right. Does anyone have an idea what this piece of gear was? - Jeff Wexler
Last reply by tibetsound, -
- 7 replies
This is pretty neat product. http://lifeonmymobil...nto-navy-seals/
Last reply by Jon Gilbert,