The Daily Journal
journal:: a daily record of news and events, our community diary
999 topics in this forum
- 13 replies
I found an interesting photo today that I wanted to share and couldn't figure out where to post it so I thought we may want a place for interesting pictures. CrewC
Last reply by John Blankenship, -
- 10 replies
hi all recorded this yesterday after it took an hour to convince pepijn to let me record him if you like it please share it cheers and best wishes to you all! Martijn
Last reply by martijn scholte, -
- 7 replies
My 2 and a half year old has discovered a great way to entertain herself in my downtime http://www.facebook....150577294708083
Last reply by Whit Norris, -
- 33 replies
Is it too early for resolutions? Well, I want to lose some weight, eat more healthily, work on my cardio fitness, and try to save some of my hard earned cash instead of buying more equipment... What is everyone else planning on doing? I might get some inspiration from others.
Last reply by VM, -
- 0 replies
I hadn't seen "Up All Night" before, but last night I watched the episode entitled "Parents," and it had a darkly funny subplot about a boom operator's death. Some here may be offended, but I thought it was pretty funny. When you have some downtime and you want to veg out, I recommend giving it a view (currently, you can stream it on NBC's website).
Last reply by Sam Mallery, -
- 4 replies
Hi All Hope you are doing good My short film "The Road Home"(I did the Sound) was recently shortlisted for the Oscars 2012(LIVE ACTION SHORT CATEGORY) here is the news, the film is listed 6th http://www.oscars.or...1/20111214.html it was previously selected for the Student Oscar 2010 http://www.oscars.or...0/20100506.html pl do watch the trailer: Feel free to share with those who may be interested. From the bottom of my heart, Thank you and be well Happy New Year Thanks and regards Harikumar Pillai
Last reply by Alden, -
- 1 reply
This year's video Xmas card, frantically done this afternoon, before our 1st annual "Life Day" celebration, featuring Lucas's secret shame, the 'Star Wars Holiday Special'.
Last reply by old school, -
- 0 replies
- 625 views Just a bit of fun - I've already been visited!
Last reply by soundslikejustin, -
- 1 follower
- 27 replies
Love or hate President Obama, he did end the Iraq War and is bringing our brave troops home from that tragic mistake. One more to go Mr President. Happy Holidays to all. CrewC
Last reply by studiomprd, -
- 9 replies
It's been done with pets - maybe this would be fun, too.... Ours is up already - actually, it went "online" on Nov. 6th... (My wife would put it up before Halloween if possible - but I am the one that has to retrieve it from storage, so I am able to apply a just little bit of temperance.... ) This year it's a bit of a departure - featuring a 2-layer feather crown ! Now, it's time to fill up the base with little boxes - gradually, as the checks come in.... MF
Last reply by mikefilosa, -
- 39 replies
Here is another installment of Peter Jackson's blog on the making of The Hobbit. This one is all about the 3D process. It 's a real eye opener - pun intended.
Last reply by Ryan, -
- 6 replies
Local 695 Production Sound Mixer and 50-Year IATSE Gold Card Member Alan Bernard passed away on Sunday at home with his family after a long battle with cancer. Many of you know Alan by his long list of high-profile credits... like Gunsmoke, A Christmas Story, Star Trek: Next Generation and many more... or from his decades of volunteering as an elected officer of Local 695... or through his sons, Scott and David, both long-time contributors in the Hollywood sound community. Alan was just one of those guys that, if you knew him, you liked him. Plans for a memorial service will be announced in the new year but those who are interested can see Alan's IMDB credits here http…
Last reply by WhyOne, -
- 8 replies
So I'm in the mountains for the weekend staying in an old hotel where we are filming, place is really cool a lot of character, but it is expressing its character with some unpleasant sound issues. Problem I think is the plumbing isn't insulated from the frame of the building and the pipes upto the third floor are vibrating against the structure it sounds like a flying saucer is hovering over the roof, we are shooting in a large room on the second floor and the sound is carrying into there, to make matters worse I can't sleep cause the bathroom in my room is apparently one of the worst sources of this annoying vibration, only solution I've found so far is to flush the toil…
Last reply by John Blankenship, -
- 15 replies
Just wanted to thank Don, Jeff and Doug. We held a boom operator workshop seminar in Atlanta this afternoon. Don and Doug spoke with Jeff and I moderating. It was sponsored by IATSE local 479 and hosted by the Atlanta Institute of Music. Great turn out out by boom operators, sound utilities, mixers, and graduates and staff from AIM. We had about 40 people attending. Don carried the seminar and did an outstanding job! It is always great to hear these guys speak. Everyone walked away with new information and tools on the craft of the boom operator. Thanks again to Don, Jeff and Doug and to everyone that attended. Many of those that attended are members on this site. C…
Last reply by gsv, -
- 28 replies
Just finished watching (well listening mostly) a movie I mixed last year and can hear those wonderfully fought for production dialog tracks. It was a tough shoot, tons of steady cam and the old faithful Tram Tr50 carried the day on the lead actress when Mr Steadycam or multicam was in use.. A tip of the hat to my Boom Op Matty Boom Boom, it was his first show and about to start our 6th movie as a team next week..
Last reply by mikewest, -
- 19 replies
Here at the fight 'Las Vegas' so many major network crews "don't want to name them' still use illegal wireless. Makes me wonder why I sold mine...
Last reply by studiomprd, -
- 23 replies
Ok, so I get hired to go on a low budget Union commercial job. The PM tells me the equipment rate is only $500.00 , then she proceeds to tell me they have 3 Alexas, I let her know that to provide timecode and audio to all 3 cameras the equipment side of the budget would have to be increased $300.00 more. She declines and says the editors can work with what they get from a dummy slate and that she wants to save the money. I show up , jam sync all 3 cameras ANYWAY. and off we go. the next day I get a call that the editorial post house is extremely upset that 2 of the cameras dont have audio feeds. I reminded her of her choice not to budget for mo…
Last reply by AudioNinja, -
- 4 replies
The Spectrum Bridge test website for registering wireless use has gone offline. That was a test, what was learned? phil p
Last reply by WhyOne, -
- 15 replies
Whit Norris hosted a wonderful SOUND gathering today at his home in Atlanta, GA. I got the chance to meet so many of the Atlanta locals, people I know by reputation but in many cases had never met face to face. There are so many of us West Coast sound people here in Atlanta now, it was great get us altogether for good food, drink and lively conversation. Thanks so much to Whit and Kathy for putting this on --- food was fantastic and a great time was had by all.
Last reply by studiomprd, -
- 19 replies
I was reminded how void of sound this form of communication we practice here @jwsoundgroup truly is when our friend from India, Vin called me the other day. What a great thing it was to hear his real voice. Very cool. Great guy, It got me thinking, I wish we could all post a recording of ourselves saying something. Any thing. Just to put a recording of ourselves into the mix of who we are. After all, we record people speaking words for a living. It would be great to 'Hear' our voices recorded for free. It might not be my best idea, but it is the one I had now. CrewC
Last reply by John Blankenship, -
- 6 replies
I've mentioned this before on the forum but my family and I brew beer (Deutscher Bier) and if anyone in the NorCal area or Bay Area would like to sample some, I'd be happy to pour! I have an Oktoberfest and a Double Hopped West Coast ale ready to be consumed with a Scottish Ale ready to be bottled in the coming weeks. Reading Jeff's post about meeting Whit and other ATL soundies made me realize there are some folks in the NorCal region I haven't met before. If you're around SF, the bar is always open
Last reply by RPSharman, -
- 90 replies
Not to divert our perverted interest : ) in Roman Polanski and lose focus of that important subject, but have you ever wished you could of worked on a film, or recorded a scene from the past? I have always had these thoughts ever since I got into film school and worked in the 'Biz'. Any John Ford western makes me wish I was the Boom Man. I would loved to of been on the Warner lot and recorded 'Casablanca' or 'To Have and Have Not'. All the great Voices and Performances that have been captured by others that I wish had been mine to record. It would be tough to choose, but I will try to narrow it down to 3. "The Searchers" would be #1 because of the talent involved and lo…
Last reply by Ferdinand Almalvez, -
- 0 replies
Hi Guys, I've been occupied with personal, family and health concerns recently and as I'm no longer on "CSI" (looking for a job in January if anyone has a lead!) I've decided to write a book. I'd like to solicit contributions and input from anyone who posts here, mixers, pre and post, boomers, utility sound, anyone who has an opinion and professional experience with the equipment we use and any anecdotal stuff that would help educate and entertain prospective readers of this particular subject. I'll be more specific about individual subject matter once I see what kind of response this generates and who is willing to share, but I look forward to hearing from anyone wil…
Last reply by Mick, -
- 10 replies
Michael Clark posted on Facebook this marvelous quote from Steve McQueen: “Sound, for me, was the most important part of the film because it fills the spaces where the camera just can’t go. A sound can give you the dimensions of a room. It can give you smell, it can give you tension. In some ways sound can travel itself into other areas of our senses, other areas of our psyche that unfortunately cannot be just viewed.” - Steve McQueen
Last reply by Manel, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
I just finished watching the premiere of an episode of a show I worked on (Penn and Teller: Tell A Lie), it's my first time seeing my work on TV, it was very surreal,very cool to see, and just very exciting moment overall. Do you guys remember the first time you guys saw/heard your work on the tube?
Last reply by Ferdinand Almalvez,