Work Available - Available for Work
posting for job opportunities & availability to work
992 topics in this forum
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Hi Guys Im Available for Any Location Sound In UAE ( United Arab Emirates ) Im an Iranian sound Recordist with 8 Years Resume for Feature Films , TVC , Documantries Based In UAE - Dubai Sam
Last reply by SamXnovA, -
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Hello all, I've been laid off at the network I've been at for the past few years. I am returning to active duty at 695, and will be available for any features, reality, commercials, music videos, etc. You may contact me here, or through my web site, Thanks, Tom Curley
Last reply by curleysound, -
- 6 replies
Just had 3 jobs postponed/cancelled on me, which should have kept me busy until way into December, so thought I'd let everyone know I'm available for booming/utility.... Alexandra. 646.645.2491
Last reply by Keith Birchfiel, -
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Anyone in the SF area available for a 3 day 8 camera reality shoot? I just got a call from a producer I've worked with up there who is looking for someone who can run sound and do TD (that's what they said, I'm just the messenger) from January 11 through the 13th. I'm pretty sure it's a pilot, but I don't know the details of what the show is about, how many mics or anything. I didn't ask about rate, as I figure if you're looking for work, you can negotiate the rate with them directly. They have paid me decently in the past, and the guy I have worked with is cool, not the spastic flip out kind. Please contact me privately if you would like the number. Tom
Last reply by curleysound, -
- 2 replies
I'll minimize the rhetoric, although it's tempting to cut loose. As a direct result of a labor dispute I am now available for any and all offers of audio mixing, be it ENG, movie or reality TV work. I have a fair to middlin' resume available on request. (Very mild TIC) Cheers Mick
Last reply by Keith Birchfiel, -
- 1 reply
Hello everyone, It has been a long wait to get my own gear, and even now it has not been easy. I spent 2 weeks sleeping less than 4 hours each day working on setting it all up, and have made each and every cable i need, my own Pelican SLA battery, and also designed my cart (though the fabricator screwed it up quite badly, so I have to remake it with full personal supervision after my current gig). RECORDER AND MIXER Aaton Cantar X2 (with blutooth module) Cantarem 8 channel linear fader system for the X2 WIRELESS SYSTEMS Lectrosonics SIXPACK Lectrosonics UCR411a x 4 Lectrosonics LM x 2, UM400 x 2 Lectrosonics SNA dipole antennae MICROPHONES …
Last reply by curleysound, -
- 1 reply
Hey folks. I've been mixing low budget indies, local/regional commercials and a reality TV show or two here in Wilmington, NC for nearly 5 years now. This past year I had the distinct pleasure of pulling cable for some big dogs in the world of mixing (Whit, Susumu, Larry, Carl). While I continue to pursue the fine art of mixing, I find a high degree of satisfaction in being the support man for the sound team too. Let me know if I can give you a hand in the Southeast or anywhere. Thanks ya'll Jeff
Last reply by Jeff Babb, -
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Hello! My name is Nate. I've recently become a boom op and have some jobs under my belt.I'm based out of Glendale and I'm always looking for new work. I would be happy to work on lower budget Non-Union projects or just about anything! My E-mail is thanks!!!
Last reply by nate, -
- 17 replies
I have a 2 month job that requires a woman as the A2. Anyone know of a good female A2? Good charicter and great attitude is a plus! email: keith at baldsound dot com Thanks.
Last reply by Keith Garcia, -
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Back in Los Angeles tonight. Call me if you hear of anything coming up. Thanks. Robert (818) 304-3066
Last reply by RPSharman, -
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I just got a call for a feature in Arkansas. It's a $200,000 budget horror probably on DV or HDV They're looking for a mixer for $3000. If you know of anyone that might be available, and will work for that rate, please refer them to Mike Hill (479) 313-3876 Shooting starts OCTOBER 5th I know it ain't much, but if you need it, it's there. I've worked with Mike before, and he's good people I've also worked with the writer James Cotton before, and he's cool too Best, Tom PS If you're offended by this rate, I understand
Last reply by tourtelot, -
- 3 replies
(Just posted this in "Equipment" forum, but then realized it might be more suitable here. Apologies for the double post...) Hey all, I'm doing a shoot at the moment in San Francisco, Discovery Channel build show a' la Mythbusters, and am researching underwater camera gear and operators in the SF Bay area. We're shooting on Sony PDW-F350 HD XDCam, but I'm thinking it might be tricky and expensive to find underwater housings for these units. Format is PAL HD 1080i. If anyone out there can point me in the right direction I would be forever grateful, I'm not from The US so don't know many locals, or where to start. Cheers, Jason
Last reply by JDirckze, -
- 8 replies
Well, I will be the first to try this out. I am looking for work. I do not have anything lined up until November, possibly even later, and I would like to know about movies that might be coming up before that time. As most of you know, I do primarily feature films and have not, as yet, gotten into the TV arena. Regards, Jeff Wexler
Last reply by Jeff Wexler, -
- 3 replies
I'm relativly new to production sound. I've been an audio engineer on music projects for 15 years (I'm 34 years old). Over that time, I developed an interest in production sound for film. 3 years ago I started doing some PA work just to get on sets and learn about the process of filmmaking. I did PA work on the set of "NYPD Blue" and Food Networks "Everyday Italian." Eventually, with the help of a friend at the Endeavor Agency, I landed the oddball job of "Video Game Coordinator" on a movie Adam Sandler produced called "Grandma's Boy." On this job I met Sound Mixer Mark Ulano and he took the time to talk to me and answer my questions. It was really nice to find someone …
Last reply by larry long, -
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Hi, I took a job to mix a movie in Crestline, CA - near Lake Arrowhead. But now I have to bail, and they start soon. They are housing you there, and it's from July 7th - July 26th (18 days) - The deal is $375/day for the department + $100 per week in expendables. I know this sucks, but you might be able to use a free boom guy trainee, and have at least the $375. Or kick your trainee a few bucks. I was paying $125 to my boom guy. It would be a real adventure for a new guy. It's not horror, and from what I remember it's all days and a lot of exterior. Nice and cool up in the mountains!! It's a character piece with some "recognizable" actors, so I am told. I can…
Last reply by RPSharman, -
- 1 reply
I think this new area of the board is a great idea so that everyone can know who is free to work and where they are located. I have been doing ENG Sound and low budget features for the last 5 years and own a standard ENG Package . I would welcome any leads for work anyone has. I can provide references, equipment list and a detailed credits list just contact me off group. I am based in Savannah Ga and can travel. I can also work as a local hire in the following locations: Savannah Ga Atlanta Ga Hilton Head Sc Beaufort SC Central FL (Orlando, Daytona Beach, Deland) South FL ( West Palm Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Miami, Keys) Thanks Whitney Ince
Last reply by soundgod, -
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Suggested by Mick Fowler, I have put up a section here called "Work Available - Available for Work" where people can post possible job opportunities for our members and members can post their availability for work when they are looking for a job. Some possible uses of this area would be a post about a job that you cannot do but would like to recommend someone to your client, or possibly a job you may have heard about that isn't in your area, and so forth. Also, members who are not working, and of course would really like to be working, can post their availability, the sort of work they do, union affiliation and where they are located (or where they are willing to travel).…
Last reply by Jeff Wexler,