The Post Place
the section for everything relating to Post-Production
356 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
For those that use them, how are you guys sourcing your multichannel ambiences, atmospheres and room tones? Do you build them from stereo recordings or do you use original multichannel recordings that match the target format?
Last reply by TVPostSound, -
- 2 replies
Hello, I need to export a Pro Res quicktime with 5.1 and 2.0 mixes from Premiere. More precisely 8 channels of audio, the first 6 being the 5.1 mix, and the last 2 being the LT/RT. Premiere has a few different options to do this and I'm trying to figure out which is correct: Option 1 - settings In the image above, one can select either "mono" or "discrete" for the channel layout, which one should I select? A quick export with both settings and a get info on each quicktime file shows the following Mono Selected Discrete selected Option 2 - set…
Last reply by Brian William, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
So I’m being requested from dailies to work in pull up 48.048 / 24fps since the DP wants to shoot @ true 24fps to reduce the possibility of flicker with lighting set ups. We are not shooting on film and footage will be pulled down 1% along with sound to be edited and broadcasted at 23.98. The dailies company said this is somehow common with Canadian DP’s who feel this is a solution to mitigate flicker issues. So, The dailies company wants to modify my sound rolls and sample rate convert my Cantar X3 files back down with SD’s Wave agent before hitting editorial to get it all back down to 23.976 and assures me it will be seamless and not affect sound. What’s odd to me is …
Last reply by MMS Inc, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
I am working on a radio play and per clients request i made videos that are audio only with timecode window burns of all the production sound we recorded. I used davinci resolve and able to get thru it enough to be dangerous, and these were all large takes so not to terrible to do for this project ( a few large takes vs a bunch of short takes), but i was curious if there was another way to approach this to make video window burns of audio only? -Ken
Last reply by Bouke, -
- 12 replies
Hey Guys, I feel like I might be missing something key in my workflow here, so just wondering if anyone could help signpost me in the right direction... How do I ensure the mixed audio masters I create, are 100% synced when the video team import it back into their video software? Do you guys add a tone or something at the start? Apologies if this is a silly question, I'd like everything to be synced exactly for them. Thanks
Last reply by chrisbakeruk, -
- 0 replies
Does anyone have a mix conform to the Netflix loudness specs? (With the corresponding DIA stem.) Working on my 'Loudness change' app now, trying to implement a more open source speech gating than the free but not open source Dolby routine. But I don't have the means to test my work, so I'm looking for a test set with the measured values, to compare it with my work. (It won't be exactly the same, but I think I can get it within 0.5 LU, while Netflix allows for 2 LU difference.) Thx, Bouke
Last reply by Bouke, -
- 9 replies
M1 mac users who work with video should not update to Protools 2021.6. It will make the video completely unusable, so it's better to continue using 2021.3. I hope Avid will release a version that is fully compatible with M1 soon.
Last reply by Jim Feeley, -
- 2 replies
I know this is probably old hat to most of you guys around here, but I got my first on screen credit as a sound designer. The film gets a Blu-ray release on Tuesday. I have a few acting credits and soundtrack credits from back in the day. But I have never received a technical credit. I am chuffed.
Last reply by ALVIN, -
- 8 replies
Hello everyone, I have a very short audio clip from my wedding that sounds like garbage. It was recorded back in 2005 on a non HD camera with who knows what kind of mic. I'm putting a video together for my wife's bday tomorrow and was hoping someone can help me fix the audio. The audio is from the onboard mic that the video guy recorded. It's at my reception so the DJ's announcement was too loud for his cheapo mic to handle, so the audio clips. Is this something that can be salvaged? The audio clip is 20 seconds long. Any help is appreciated.
Last reply by Michael Miramontes, -
- 3 replies
I there any good options for cloud-based mixing/audio post like what is for video post production? I have some collaborative projects and it would be good to be able to work with other mixers online.
Last reply by chinpou, -
- 0 replies
Hey all, I'd like to have a custom, non-natural, SciFi'esque type of sound to be created for use on an upcoming student film I'm helping shoot/produce. Think the "sound" from The Vast of Night, as an example. I've never done anything like this before so I'm sort of lost as to what I should be specifically looking for with regards to the Sound Designer and what I should expect to pay. Could anyone offer any insights on a Sound Designer they'd recommend and how much I should expect to budget for this service (a ballpark figure would do for now). TIA for any time, help, advice! Cheers
Last reply by Ryan Williams, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
I have been battling touch faders on a control surface showing erratic behavior, dropping in and out during recording automation, fighting me during movements etc. I had been dealing with this off and on for months. Finally got around last couple days to hardcore troubleshoot. Got online with tech support, resinstalled supporting software, hardware tests, network troubleshooting...until late last night when i thought all hope was lost and ready to send these in for repair, i finally discovered the problem: I have had this since the 80's via my grandma as a gift. I have always ke…
Last reply by osa, -
- 5 replies
I have just upgraded to the latest version of Pro Tools and I am unable to get video to play in Pro Tools. I have tried bringing in MXF, DNxHD, and MP4 (h.264) files and none will play back in Pro Tools. The videos will play normally in Quicktime, VLC etc. With the video in the edit window I can see the video keyframes in the video track and the extracted audio plays but the video window is black. Session is set to same timecode framerate as imported video which is 25 fps. I have tried disabling and reenabling the video engine, deleting and reinstalling Pro Tools to no avail. It is the latest version Pro Tools 2020.3 and my computer is a Macbook Pro 2015 i5 processor runn…
Last reply by DBK, -
Hi, I´m wondering If people here have any experience with Matchbox reconform tool from Cargocult? Have used EDiload in the past and quite like that, just curious on how they compare, or just if people have any thoughts on this.
Last reply by Bubu, -
LTC sync software 1 2
by iter- 1 follower
- 30 replies
Hi. I'm new here. I'm looking for feedback on an idea I'm developing. I'm working on a free, open-source app that syncs files based on LTC. If you're familiar with Tentacle Studio or Tentacle Timecode Tool, my app addresses a similar need, but is cross-platform and free. I'm in early stages of development. I am looking for feedback on how the software works in the real world, so I can focus my efforts on what works for real people. LTCsync runs on Windows, MacOS and Linux. You can download a build for your OS from Project home is
Last reply by Bouke, -
- 9 replies
Is there post tech available that allows word and phrase searching in audio files? My initial thought is the time consuming method of real time siri transcription etc. no transcripts done of this audio unfortunately.
Last reply by Shastapete, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
My question is about using plugins, I do mostly sound on a film set, and rarely I do some post-work for small projects, this helped me a lot to improve my job during the shootings. I've realized how easy it could be making a mess when cleaning up dialogues and mixing (mostly doing it at the same time). I have mixed in the past mostly music and carried with me that background. High levels, transients massive, using compressors, never issues about noises and need to clean rumbles, clothes rustle because everything was recorded in perfect situations. But when I approached audio film post everything was more complicated. I used plug ins on the single tracks and on the stem…
Last reply by mikebarber, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Is first order Ambisonic* ambient recording safe for 5.1 mix in film theaters? Will brings problems as phase cancellation? Thanks, Dan *mic models as for examples: Sennheiser AMBEO VR, Rode nt-sf1
Last reply by Werner Althaus, -
- 4 replies
If this works as advertised, it looks like it could be a great tool. And hopefully will not become an excuse to foregoing getting good sound on set...
Last reply by Jason Nightall, -
- 4 replies
Hi all, For those who need to deliver conform specs: I've been working my butt off to get things easier: My loudnessChange can now measure mono, stereo, 5.1 and 7.1 And it can correct if the loudness is wrong. But wait, there is more! It accepts inputs mono or poly, and you can output mono or poly (thus, interleave / de-interleave). For non-interleaved output, you can decide the new track names, and auto place them in a subfolder if desired. It can also remap if you go from L C R xxxx to L R C xxxx or alike, no matter the interleave in/ output. Then, if you have stems, it can auto correct the stems based on the printmaster. (that's not all, bu…
Last reply by Philip Perkins, -
- 6 replies
Hi guys Thanks for all the gold found on this site over the years! Ive tried searching but without finding any results. Im looking for an answer for this simple question. As im getting .AAF from picture editor how can i also get some kind of notice of video changes within the reference file? Is it possible to export from premiere markers that indicate every video change or ive heard about having an silence audio track exported within the .AAF that contains every video change but as new audio clip on the audio track. I might just be missing something but usually i just get .AAF and a reference file and not a clue on when the actually video change …
Last reply by TVPostSound, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Is there a shortcut in pt that exists? I found a clever apple script that a post guy made but unfortunately it gets hung up. I was considering building my own in automator. Basically I want to bring in a ton of production sound files spotted to orignal time stamps when i usually do this manually one by one
Last reply by osa, -
- 0 replies
Hope this doen't get flagged but it's pretty specific to this section. Y'all may not spend too much time in the For Sale part. My friend, the retiring Post mixer, just brought over his entire SFX library on CDs. Probably close to 300 disks. Mostly Sound Ideas stuff, some BBC some others. Comes with all the catalogs. Cricket chirps? Got it. Saturn rocket take off? Got it. Even two Denon DN-1200F 200-disk changers and the remote control. Did I say HUGE? And heavy. The Denons weigh probs 40 pounds each. If anyone here wants to discuss this, PM me.
Last reply by tourtelot, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
I threw this together to accompany my Producing Great Sound book. It uses convolution modeling to create random room tone. Load a clean, breath- and noise-free sample from the production track (15 frames or so). The sample isn't repeated, just used as a model for timbre. So the output doesn't sound looped. I've used this (or a similar process) on a bunch of projects over the past year or two. Sounds fine, even in a theatrical mix. Free, open source VST or AU plug-in. Runs in Macs only, and requires you load the free open-source SonicBirth first. Full instructions with the download. More info and download links at Comments an…
Last reply by logangcain, -
Waves Central
by osa- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Hello Post Folks, I recently bought some waves plugins and it had been a while. I was bummed to find out after purchase they dropped ilok. curious to know if anyone here might help me understand waves central in that i see a way that you might be able to put "assets" on a thumb drive and basically make a 2nd ilok to swap between computers? i already moved a plugin once from one computer to another and i didnt realize this might have been a mistake as it says i cant move it again for a year, if i understand correctly? I cant make sense of how this works for some reason. they have their own language about license asset management that is confusing me -Ken
Last reply by osa,