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Matt Martin Bag

Nomad 6 (now a Nomad 10!) in a PEGZ-2

I just got the Sna600 Dipoles and am still working on the best/most out of the way placement and mounting. Really liking the increase in range so far though!

The red toggle switches in the upper right is a set of remote power switches for a DIY BDS buried in the bottom of the bag. It has 4 circuits. One unswitched for the Nomad, and then switched circuits for my QRX, Comtek trx, and G3 RX's. I still need to find/make some decent battery eliminators for the G3's and Comtek for those to work though.

You can't see it, but I cut a piece of plexiglass that mirrors the shape of the center divider so I had a more stable surface to mount the receivers and other stuff to. I was also able to drill holes into it to attach cable ties and keep the cables mostly organized underneath.

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