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Everything posted by marcintyszka

  1. when working in NYC but only on a feature , Since audio gear would live on the truck I always biked to the location, no matter how far but within the limits of the city ...I loved every minute of it.
  2. When working on a feature I ask waredrobe people to wash the clothes ,the ones that are brand new ( I think they do it anyway because it gives more natural look) This will not always help and if it will, it will help just a little. Improvisation is basically the nature of our field, like it was said above there is just no magic way to solve all the audio problems.
  3. Pro-Sound Services is the way to start, small enough company that will open your eyes This is where my audio adventure started
  4. I strongly believe this was taken just to make a joke. Beard is actually very easy, hair clip on your cos 11 and you hide it inside the beard, works like charm, beard saved me few times on the shoots with crazy waredrobe.
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