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  • Location
    West Hollywood
  • About
    I work in the industry as a production sound crew person.
  • Interested in Sound for Picture
  1. It's a great show. I just finished Season 4 on Netflix, so I'll be anticipating even more exceptional "dramedy" next season. And hello to Greg Sextro!
  2. Was it a wall or a window? Perhaps a window with curtains or drapes behind which to hide the aforementioned plant mic possibility?
  3. I shot and recorded this video document using an iPod Touch, and edited it on Final Cut Pro 6. The audio was entirely from my iPod Touch. There were places where the wind noise was an issue, but I managed to record some wild tracks, using the fabric of whatever shirt I was wearing at the time as a "poor man's windscreen". During editing, I created a pseudo "stereo" track in numerous places. This was accomplished by splitting the mono sound into 2 tracks, each one consisting of different sections from a single file from the iPod Touch. For example, a scene in the Bosphorus Sea has the Left channel ("channel" as in audio channels, not aquatic channels[emoji4] ) starting at, say, 5 seconds into the original mono track; the Right channel might start at 10 seconds in. The resulting effect simulated the feel of variations of waves (yes, another sound pun opportunity) surrounding the viewer/listener. For an ambitious no-budget home movie, I think the simulated stereo effect works fairly well. "Forth & Back: Cyprus-Istanbul-Cyprus": http://youtu.be/VTXFaAiEyQA
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