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Everything posted by abuelo

  1. Hey all, I've been lurking amongst these forums for awhile and want to thank everyone for information and insight that everyone shares with community. I for the most part have found answers to my basic questions using a quick search but I have a few questions that I can't seem to find an answer to. I'm a bit of a newbie in the location sound world so go easy on me. I recently started a show where the DP provided some Sony Digital TX / RX to use as camera hops. He requested a Left / Right feed going directly to camera and provided two transmitters to be in my bag. ( Sony URXS03D/14 UWP-D Portable Two-Channel Wireless Receiver (14/25: 470 to 542 MHz) https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1245557-REG/sony_urxs03d_14_uwp_d_portable_two_channel.html/?ap=y&smp=y&lsft=BI%3A514&gclid=CjwKCAjw5fzrBRASEiwAD2OSV9Tei-jFmJG97S4t5LHu0W4UsV4TR6MithaoMMV9KvGUN8iQF_0_kBoCgQYQAvD_BwE ) He swore these would not interfere with my wireless at all, but I seem to be having some interference problems, especially with my comtek's (which is my main concern). I've gone through the basic list - frequency coordinating, trying to get the TX away from my bag, dropping power on the TX, different cables for comtek, but they just don't seem to play nice together. He says his normal sound guy uses the units with comtek's all the time and never has any issues. So I'm curious what i can be doing differently to help them play nice together. My bag consists of : SD 633, 411a's, smqv's, psc multi sma distro, rf venue antenna, and comtek m216 with p216. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!!
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