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About soundmanjohn

  • Birthday 10/02/1951

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  • Location
    London, United Kingdom
  • About
    Theatre sound designer and sound effects recordist. Old now, but still working! based in London, UK, but peripatetic, so could be anywhere. Surround sound recording a speciality.

    SD788T, 744T, 702, MixPre-6
    Soundfield ST450
    Assorted Schoeps, Sennhesier, Neumann & DPA microphones and Rycote windshields.

    Member of the AES, The Institute of Professional Sound, the Association of Sound Designers (UK) and The Theatrical Sound Designers & Composers Association (USA). Occasional writer of columns for Live Design on-line magazine, author of a couple of books on theatre sound design. Married to a wonderful 'cellist.
  • Interested in Sound for Picture

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  1. Here's a terminal cover for NP1 batteries for anyone who still uses them and wants to avoid taping over the contacts when shouted at by TSA persons. Cheers, John NP1 V7.stl
  2. You could try the DPA 4055: intended for kick-drum use but can cope with a max spl of 164 dB (@10% THD) or 159 dB SPL (1% THD) https://www.dpamicrophones.com/microphones/instrument/4055?variant=28 John
  3. Other things you can do with a 3D printer...
  4. Yes, it's just a push fit: really simple, no strain relief, so mainly for installations, rather than stuff that gets moved around a lot. John
  5. Hi there 3D print fans: here are a couple of files for push-on low profile end caps for the Neutrik XX series of connectors i.e. the ones with the internal threads. There are two versions, one for F and for M connectors: the cable entry gap on this version is 5mm ( about 1/5th"). I can do larger or smaller, if required. I recommend printing at 100% fill with a robust filament. All the best, John Neutrik Short XLR F Plug V5 5mm Cable.stl Neutrik Short XLR M Plug V5 5mm Cable.stl
  6. This seems to have backfired spectacularly on Rycote, with a huge number of posts on their social media sites condemning this action. There's a horrible non-apology on their Facebook page, all about protecting their identity, which is just obvious nonsense. It's a shame that such an old-established brand name has been tainted by some faceless corporate hack who thought it would be a really smart plan to try and hijack a tiny start-up operation like Radius. Simon Davies has re-hired many of the original Rycote staff who were effectively sacked by Videndum in a "restructuring" move that involved closing down the factory in the small town in which it had been based all its life, and moving to a new facility many miles away. They did this in the time-honored way of big companies, just before Christmas. There's a local audio show in London coming up at which Rycote has booked space: I wouldn't want to be a representative on their stand; sound people here are pretty angry. John
  7. A few years ago, I made contact with a sound recordist called Dmitry Chernov, who was developing a series of sound effects libraries that were rather different in their content and his approach. I bought two of his Northern Europe libraries and when, for another show, I needed some very specific wolf sounds, Dmitry came up trumps again. We've corresponded regularly, usually when he needs to find English equivalents for Russian terms, and our latest exchange was in regard to Guinea Pigs and the sounds they make. He's written a very interesting and enjoyable blog about that session which you can find here: https://larxaudio.com/blog/guinea-pigs/ Give it a read, if you like, and I can highly recommend his other libraries. Also, regardless of what you might think about the current situation in Ukraine, he's one of the Russian good guys and a thoroughly nice chap.
  8. I just got the double CD and for me, it's an interesting listen: it was the album that first got me really interested with what you could do with sound (I spent ages trying to work out ADT, for example) and Tomorrow Never Knows was just extraordinary. Many, many years later, I discovered that my father-in-law was one of the violinists on Eleanor Rigby, so that was an added bonus. My wife remembers him coming back from the session being somewhat grumpy. Oh, and Emerick's detailing of the session in his book is basically bullshit, by the way. One of the things that the remix does is bring out much more details in the drumming, which is great in some tracks, such as She Said, She Said, when Starr is just nailing the fills, and Here, There and Everywhere where the tom-tom sound is perfect and the finger snaps actually sound like finger snaps. The remix of Rain is also excellent. I wore out my vinyl copy years ago, but am sorely tempted to buy the new version just to see how it compares with the CD. (Oh, and you can see my father-in-law in the A Day In The Life video, if you don't blink: he's the one wearing white-framed sunglasses and smoking a cigar.)
  9. I'm also having fun with 3D printing: these days, I'll often design and print a little accessory so that it does what I want, rather than what some manufacturer decides I might want. The Smart Battery safety covers are a case in point, but I've also made a mini-stereo bar with 20mm mic clips that fits in a small case with my Zoom H3-VR and F3.
  10. Do you want the battery cover? That's free. I'll post a link shortly. If you want the Marconi AXBT files, that's a different matter, and a great deal more work... All the best, John Here you go. Enjoy John 499750239_SmartBatteryCover.stl
  11. They run at about $5 here in the UK, with tax and shipping. I can knock these out for about $1.00, so not too bad. Plus mine have fancy writing on the side and are a lovely subtle yellow colour.
  12. Oh yes, great minds obviously think alike... Should have done more research! And, yes, Alan, you're almost certainly right. The printer is waiting for me to do a whole bunch of modifications at the moment, including direct filament drive and auto-levelling, but space is at a premium here. I shall progress. And just for fun, here's another little 3D-printed project (excluding the base.)
  13. Mostly as an exercise, and to please overzealous TSA people who sometimes insist on terminals being taped, I designed and 3D printed safety covers for my Remote Audio Hi-Q batteries for a recent trip. The cup has small bumps inside that keep it in place on the battery. Picture attached with one cover at each end, just for show. Comments? John
  14. It's non-polarized.
  15. Very nice and simple, I like the design a lot. Mine were originally intended for theatre people, who tend to be a bit heavy-handed sometimes, so needed something robust. The latest version was designed for someone who uses an angled equipment rack, so has an articulated joint.
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