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Everything posted by rdjudkins

  1. The squelch setting is off. I tried the transmitter at both 10 and 50 milliwatts.
  2. I picked up a DWX system to try to use as a wireless boom link. I love the way the system sounds, frequency response and dynamic range are great. But I keep having problems with radio hits, which I'm sure are coming from the 5-watt walkie talkies on the set. It doesn't happen all the time, but occasionally--which is maddening. I have worked to place the receiver unit out on the set, closer to the plug-on transmitter, and I have also fed the receiver with the filtered RF from a Lectro 6-pack (in the proper RF block). In each situation I still get the radio hits. Feeding the receiver from the Lectro 6-pack is better, but it doesn't fix the problem. Anyone have any thoughts? Ron
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