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Everything posted by dsound

  1. Hi, Any advice for clean working wireless blocks in the Cape Canaveral area? I know it can be searched on the freq charts, but am looking for any personal working experience from other mixers. Thanks! -D
  2. Thanks, Larry! You're the best! Makes complete sense to me. Best, D
  3. Just curious...are there any other users experiencing swelling with their iPower 520mAh 9 volt batteries after some use? My batteries are about a year old and this seems to be a common issue with this brand. I know after some extended cycling the batteries will diminish their specs, but the swelling has caused a sizing issue when using them in my Comteks and Lectros. Any ideas or similar experiences from end users? Thanks, D
  4. Mike, I also have all that you requested. Would be willing to negotiate the whole nine yards if you're in need. Let me know! Best, D locationdigitalsound AT comcast dot net
  5. Thanks for your feedback, Bernie. Please keep the reports coming when you have time, greatly appreciate. Regards, DD
  6. Bernie, Thanks for your initial feedback with the Nomad Six. One question though; could you be a little more specific about your statement "not much headphone amp hiss"? I would think the headphone quality would be pristine, similar or better than what we're all use to with our 442's/552's. Also, why did you lean towards the Six and not the Eight? Just curious! Thanks! -DD
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