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Patrick Tresch

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    I'am a DP.
  • Interested in Sound for Picture

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  1. Oscar nominated "The Brutalist" score recorded with Sonosax R4+ & AD8+. An interview with the composer Daniel Blumberg : https://pitchfork.com/features/interview/the-brutalist-composer-daniel-blumberg-on-his-striking-oscar-nominated-score/
  2. The M2D2 is totally another tech based on dual AD (that came out before Zaxcom's and is a bit different). The M2D2 is really close to the AD8+ preamp and R4+ recorder series wich have a bit less compromise due to more power draw capability. The SX-ST VT is 100% analog no AD conversion before EQ. As there is no AD there is no need of a dual AD structure. Still the best for a battery powered audio preamp and mixer.
  3. For music lovers there is also the SX-VT line wich has rare specs : "Wide bandwidth10Hz to 200kHz, suitable for SACD and next converters generations" Sonosax pream use proprietary tech than others and permits such a wide bandwidth. People love to speak about 32bit headroom but first you have to get some sound to record. πŸ˜‰ Patrick
  4. And no need of big power converters... Simple usb-c converter. I still have to test their charging speed.
  5. Try a SX-ST sometimes you got one to sell on Facebook This is a SX-ES wich is the little brother of the ST. https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8860698820714312&set=g.422226551455412
  6. FYI, Arri's AEM-1 Audio module from Alexa35 is also compatible https://www.arri.com/en/camera-systems/camera-components/aem-1
  7. I was amaized by the build quality. It looks like it's machined aluminium. You can't make it smaller. Even Jacques Sax is impressed πŸ˜‰
  8. Feel free to ask any questions πŸ˜‰ Patrick
  9. A good preamp is your friend.
  10. Do someone know if there are tools to tackle the problems of specific sounds like cow bells. Not on dialogue but on nature or wild tracks? Thanks a lot. Patrick Tresch
  11. Hello, I'm looking for a sound report software that isn't Wave agent wich is great for a start but there is a lack of features and it need a lift up. Any ideas. Would love to enven buy a license if there is a new tool in development. Patrick
  12. I'm the DP πŸ˜‰ I usually use the CCM41&CCM8. I prefer a stereo (MS) PoV of the camera. IMHO it's not too heavy. Patrick
  13. Here the Schoeps Minicmit in the Cinela Cosi, sitting a top the RED Komodo-X. Sonosax M2D2 Preamp.
  14. Jacques Sax told me that they used Stuart's mix for the final mix... One question though. Do you send a mono feed to the director/camera or do you have a stereo output? Wich tool do you use to send the audio? Thanks Patrick Tresch
  15. I love the blue you choosed for the stop button. It’s unique.
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