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Marcel Janssen

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    Sound recordist
  • Interested in Sound for Picture
  1. Hi there and thanks for all the insight given here. I've also been wondering a lot the last days about this mod and a skight reception loss that I've noticed aftet performing the mod. I've been AB-testing factory whip against wisycom it's 590mhz (near center frequency of the g-range) I'm confident about the soldering part but I'm wondering about how the difference between sennheiser it's whip (with no conductive ground at all) against SMA mod, which introduces a connection between the antenna's ground and the casing. I did find out though that the housing doesn't conduct very well. Is antenna length theory really out the window? And what are claims of gaining more range based on? Is it safe to assume that the housing doesn't act as ground as it's non/poorly conductive? Is it safe to assume that the factory antenna length is effective from the soldering point? Or should one still count from the chassis and in case of the SMA mod from above the SMA connector? Best regards, Marcel
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