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Everything posted by johnmaynardsound

  1. Hey Carl, check out AJA ADA4 Mini-Converter: https://www.aja.com/en/products/mini-converters/ada4#features. DC powering available, 4-channel D/A or A/D if you ever needed it, word-clock pass-through. Looks like it would do well in the field with a Deva. I should note that I have never used this model, but it's a very interesting possibility.
  2. I used B3s exclusively for a couple of years, when I didn't have the money for Sankens or DPAs, and I think that the B3 gives some of the most honest reproduction out there. They are more difficult to hide, and I had to have the connectors re-terminated more often than I would have liked (but thanks to Mark at Location Sound Corp. for his expertise or I would have been sunk!). The difficulties, though, never outweighed the quality. In my opinion, the B3 (standard sensitivity, Flat Response Cap), was far better for narrative dialog than several other mikes that I've tried in it's price range (TRAM TR-50/Sonotrim STR, PSC Millimic, Sony ECM-44B). And the B3 is very versatile, I've even used B3s for instrument miking with relative success.
  3. VK worked fine for me, I haven't used EdiLoad or Titan but I hear good things. I think Conformalizer was most effective in my experience. But you should always ask for a change list from picture department. Even if they happen to make a mistake that messes with one of these program's operations, simply A/Bing the picture cuts and walking though the change list can make an arduous process a little more manageable.
  4. Hey Diego, I use the CL-WIFI app for all of my notes and other metadata delivery. All I do is print the report to the filesystem at the end of the day. That way, I can have a copy in my files (the easiest method of record-keeping for me) and when I hand off my dailies to post (mostly via CF, I keep my copy on the internal SSD), they have the same in a discrete CSV file, without having to voodoo out the metadata using WaveAgent on their time. I have received good feedback about the usefulness of this approach from several post teams, and I find it to be the most efficient and flexible method in my workflow.
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