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Everything posted by koukouvani

  1. merci beaucoup de vos reponses, henZ, j'ai bien appris quelques choses! je viens d'ecouter encore la guitare. c'est possible qu'il ya un tres court delai doublant, et peut etre un tres petit peu de chorus sur le double autrement je nai rien apercu d'etrange. ca doit etre subtil. pardonnez mon francais; j'ai habite a paris il ya plusieurs annees.
  2. MY hat is off to the sound recordists of Blogotheque. They are doing an unbelievable job, as has been already noted. i was watching the Kodaline takeaway, where they get out of the van at the start, and thinking "this is really impossible. There must be some trickery." How did they get such a clear vocal sound and low background sound, whilst maintaining the phase integrity during the moving bits, and how did they get the singer in the van not to sound noticeably different when they came out of the van ? was the van massively damped inside or is it just an ordinary van? maybe they hired it off the cia.. are the lav's cardi's? are the schoeps mic's shotguns? or ordinary cardioids? can you do ORTF with shotguns? p.s blogotheque is also a great format overall (That's enough brownnosing. Ed.) thanks to the persons of Blogotheque for sharing their knowledge, btw.
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