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Lu Ortiz

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Everything posted by Lu Ortiz

  1. Yeah, Tascam does offer pretty darn good recorder options within budgetary reach for us not-so-high-end soundies looking for some high-end capabilities.
  2. Yes, it is possible. I don't have the KTA-2 but it worked with a KTA as well as a CCR. It screwed in properly pretty much all the way up with both, remaining tight without any wobble. I also tried it the other way, with the KFT connected directly to the boom pole but neither the CCR nor the KTA would screw in properly to the bottom end of the KFT, only a few threads caught before it would not tighten any further. Picture posted below: https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/t1/1901866_651601471566961_1068418430_n.jpg
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