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Found 7 results

  1. Having worked out how to extract the Deva II files from the DVD-RAM using a modern PC, and having had the phantom power supply on mic input 4 fixed, I now have the four track up and running. Tests on the phantom power voltage reveal a strange issue that I'm hoping someone can chime in on. With the 12v external supply connected, we have around 55v dc phantom power at the inputs. This is obviously slightly over spec for most mics. I then tested with a full li-ion NP1 and was disturbed to get a reading of 72v at the inputs! This drops off progressively as the battery drains. Testing with a variable PSU seems to indicate that 10.5 to 11v give closest to 48v at the inputs. I have tested the unit with inexpensive mics which seem to have taken no evident harm; I wouldn't want to be plugging in anything by Schoeps or Sennheiser though! With phantom power needing to be constant, I'm guessing there must be an issue with the power supply in the unit that the tech didn't address (I've gone back to him about this), but was wondering if anyone here might be able to offer some insight. If it is another fault, it may be a case of just using the unit with a linear PSU of 10.5-11v (if I can find one), because there is no point sinking any extra cash in I feel. Could it also be that the unit was designed to work with NiCad instead of li-ion?
  2. I recently got a Zaxcom Deva ii for free, and although it is old, I love the sound, functionality, and form factor and want to use it for multi channel location music recordings, and for sound on small scale documentary shoots. It came with the DVD-RAM recorder. The problem I have is I can't work out how to access the files on my PC. I first tried removing the internal hard disk and plugging in to my Windows 10 computer via an IDE to USB interface. Result; no files to be seen. Next, I bought some DVD-RAM discs and tried mirroring the HDD; this has worked as the files play back on the unit from the external disk, and by visual inspection, the tracks are obviously there on the disk. Thinking I'd solved the problem and would find my lovely BWF files waiting, I put the the disk into my DVD multi drive, only to find that again, there were no files on the disk, and the file system showing as RAW. I've tried formatting various ways, but each time the Deva wants me to erase the disk before it allows mirroring. Lastly, I installed XP on my PC to see if the OS was the problem. Again, no files to be seen. I tried formatting to fat32, at which point it can be seen that there is a percentage of the disc used, but no files to be accessed. I have an old DVD RAM drive on the way to test, and am going to try Windows 98 later, but feel I'm clutching at straws! Is there some kind of special software I need to access the files? Any assistance those experienced folk on here who have used the machine could give would be extremely gratefully received!
  3. Now I've had several HD failures using Devas. Each time there was a beeping in the cans and the segment #s didn't advance no matter how many times record was hit. This time was different. I heard the beeping once, powered down and re-seated the HD, powered back up and everything was fine. It rolled and the segment # advanced. But then when I went to mirror, the whole deck got funny. Certain buttons wouldn't press and others did. Going to the "cue" screen, I discovered that none but the first segment would play. I had to power cycle to get back to normal. But alas, segments 12 - 17 would not mirror. (Segments 1 - 11 had previously mirrored fine, and luckily those were ok.) It seems the drive just up and seized. I have had worse luck with static HDs than with the 120GB spinning drives. Now I'm inclined to just get the rack thing and convert to CF. But anyway - any ideas? They're talking about data recovery. I'm wondering if I could send it to Zaxcom, but of course this happened on Friday evening. I have also never heard of this happening. Oh yes - and there was no backup. Why? Because for 8 years of Deva use I never needed one! Dan Izen
  4. Hi everybody, I don't know if you can help me out but I have some files to pull out of the Deva II. Everything seems to working fine with my old SCSI DVD rom but when I try to format the DVD my Deva says SCSI DISK ERROR. Any suggestions? Thanx.
  5. The TARDIS has been updated with some new toys. Follow cart also updated.
  6. Hello all, I've been using the Fusion 12 for a while now and suddenly I am hearing a high pitched tone on inputs 9-12. I hear the tone regardless of whether or not the Fusion is connected to the MIx 12. I hear it on PFL with the fader up or down and also when the fader is up nomally. I also hear it with all inputs disconnected but only on 9-12. It sounds like a 240 cycle hum or higher but it's hard to say for sure. Anyone else heard of this problem?
  7. Stumbled upon this with some creative Googling. I like how 24bit seemed futuristic and the pre-record buffer was an amazing killer feature. Also what the hell is "the new Sony dubbing format, specifically for use with the new 20-bit Sony digital dubber?" http://www.amps.net/...e23/23_deva.htm I copied the text below: Twickenham Studios, Sunday 21st September saw an audience of over 50 for a presentation by Glen Sanders of Zaxcom, of his company's portable 4-channel digital audio hard disk recorder. Because this was considered an important event, an invitation was extended to the IBS and BKSTS membership to attend, and it was good to see some IBS members who contributed important points to the discussions. The meeting kicked off with Roger Clemo of UK representatives Harris introducing the team who will be supporting the Deva. He also added a few words about their company - that it is part of the Studio Products Division of the Harris Corporation whose group turnover last year was $3.8 billion. They are based in Cambridge. Glen Sanders of Zaxcom then took over and made a thorough and illuminating demonstration of the Deva's features, capabilities - now, and in the near and far futures. He kicked off by plugging his microphone into the Deva's mic amp and announcing that he was going to do the entire presentation through this unit so that if it made any unpleasant noise over the next two hours, we'd all hear it. He turned the mic gain up till feedback so that we could all 'hear' the low noise. Zaxcom was formed in 1986 and has specialised in digital audio and video products. Products such as the DMX1000 mixer are in use worldwide including the UK. The company is just 14 people and it was suggested that because of this efficiency they were able to keep a very competitive price structure on their products. Many of the audience were familiar with the concept of the machine from article in the newsletter, so it was the additional points made that were most interesting. Firstly the removable hard disk is airtight, shock and dust resistant. He estimated a current cost of the disk to be around $500 although this would probably come down to $400. Their experience had shown that a big movie would require around 10 disks but following user feedback had decided to offer alternative possibilities. In a static situation it will be possible to record onto the internal HD and an external Jaz drive at the same time. In mobile situations, the recording world be made on the HD and copied to the Jaz. This should increase the convenience of the system - writing to the Jaz in their own MARF format (specifically tailored Mobile Audio Recording Format), WAV format and the new Sony dubbing format, specifically for use with the new 20-bit Sony digital dubber. Many were impressed by the demo of the Deva's 10 second prerecord - it's always storing audio in a buffer when turned on. Glen pressed Record, and then Stop, and immediately played back the ten seconds of his talk prior to having pressed Record! He went on to demonstrate the resistance to shock and vibration. The HD is rated at 125g in play and 200g when stationary and so is not likely to be damaged itself but the writing or replay may be affected by vibration - it uses a 20 seconds buffer memory to store audio in until the vibration stops, and then writes it to disk. To show this he violently shook the machine in replay, and there were no detectable errors audible. He also played back some material he had recorded in Trafalgar Square the previous day with the unit just slung over his shoulder. Not demonstrated but the unit has the ability to print out a take list if attached to a printer. The ease with which you can access takes was impressive. It is also impossible to record over material without executing a specific key sequence. So if you are in the middle of playing back a take and there is the need to record immediately, just hitting the Record button enters that mode, clear of any existing material. It is possible to set up up to 100 cue points for playback. Not all facilities are currently implemented - insert record and compression/limiting was due within the next few weeks. Battery life was touched on and it was mentioned that Nickel Hydride batteries had been found to extend life by half an hour, up to nearly 3 hours. The unit still keeps timecode values with the power off. Provision for a 24-bit future was discussed. The unit runs at 20-bit now (disk 24-bit ready) but the converters, mic amps are designed to to be upgradable at a later date should 24-bit or even 96kHz sampling become a reality. Also larger HD drives are possible in the future upping record time to 4 hours. The PCMCIA socket adds further possibilities beyond the Jaz drive connection, such as working directly with workstations and modems. Fairlight have already incorporated the MARF format in the MFX system and Zaxcom are in talks with others. Questions came thick and fast: How robust was the disk? Glen took the HD out of the Deva, explained that they had added there own protection on top of the basic, banged it forceably on the table and put it back in the Deva. He said that he didn't know what more could be done. How long to change the disk? About 10 secs Able to record new EBU standardised broadcast WAV format? Not yet but will investigate what it is and if wanted will implement it. There are no limits on number of formats that can be added. How much? About $10.5k in the US and approx 7.5k in the UK, in the form demonstrated. Can the disk be turned off to save power? No not as yet - but this may be added in future. What about cost of disks versus DAT tape? Disks will cost more - they're doing Jaz drive interface first but also has a SCSI interface and so could plug in MO, CDR, DAT data tape etc. Will be able to record on other media, enabling you you to get the media cost down to the budget, Is it radio mic proof? Yes, it's EU approved. Questions and closer examination continued until the meeting closed at 1.15, with the demo machines shown departing with some of the audience who had managed to borrow them for closer examination. Thanks to Zaxcom and Twickenham Studios for a most interesting meeting.
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