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Found 5 results

  1. Hello, I would like to know what are OMNI input/output and how they differ from the mic inputs. Thanks
  2. A few days ago my 664 decided to get grumpy with me (and I only show the lil bastard love). The 10 pin Output A sends audio at unbalanced levels to the camera. Channel 2 will send audio at about half the level of channel 1. This only happens for about 10-15 minutes though, then it pops back up without reason. Sometimes it will pop back down randomly too. I've already tried swapping out my snake and pig tail to the camera. I've also tried different cameras, so I've eliminated the possibility of it being other gear. Also, Output B works just fine. Nothing is visibly wrong, but I'm wondering if it's been damaged. I'm going to bring it in to the shop for a look-see, but I just wanted to see if anyone else has experienced this before. Thanks in advance y'all
  3. I have been using my nomad for quite some time now. All of a sudden a strange thing happend when I hooked up my gear today. I use 1 boom and 3 wireless on input 1 to 4. Input 1 is sent to out 1, 2 to 4 to out 2. But input 2 is also on output 1 (pre). Routing all seems ok... Seems like I am overlooking something, but what?
  4. Hey guys, Been having an awesome experience with my Nomad so far...but the time has come for me to do a 3-camera ENG shoot. I will be mixing into 3 Cameras (each with 2 XLR inputs) Follow my logic for setting this up and please tell me if you would do anything different or have any insight/experience/advice. I have 4 direct outputs. That's 2 breakaway cables, one to Camera A, and one to Camera B. I can monitor the return on 1/2, and 3/4 with the 5-pin adapter cables I have. For camera 3, I would get the cable that goes 5-pin to XLR "Y" cable. Then use a typical breakaway cable to go to Camera C. I don't see anything on the nomad that would allow me to monitor the return on 5/6. Would it make more sense to use the tape-out for the 3rd camera so that I could monitor it that way? Is there anything special I need to do in the Nomad's settings for like output settings? I will be running a Boom and 2 lavs, possibly a 3rd if needed. I would want each camera to have the Boom track isolated, so I would set: Input 1 (L), And then Input 2, 3, 4 ®...which would make each camera receive the boom on track 1, and lavs mixed onto track 2. Does that make sense?
  5. I have to feed two Sony EX-1's with my 442. My question is: Do both 442 outputs (the XLR and the TA3M) work simultaneously? If so, I can just use an adaptor cable for the B camera, right? If not, how can I do this? Thanks for any input you guys can offer. Rachel
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