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Found 3 results

  1. New timecode slate preorder is now up on our site http://fuzeti.com/mre-timecode-generator-slate.html for $600 and will retail at $699.99 once we start shipping. We expect to begin shipping July 5th. This slate shares the same code as the FDC Slate and the same temperature compensated clock. 5-Pin Lemo and 1/4" TRS Input/Output comes as standard and BNC connectors are available as an additional option. The case is ABS injection molded plastic with four screw mount points on the front for optional large slate panels. 8.75"W x 5.75"H x 1.75"D. Standard 5-Pin Lemo and 1/4" TRS Input/Output and runs on 4 AA batteries or external 5-16V DC power. There are easy to set buttons on the back side allows you to configure timecode, user bits, and framerate as well as easy to adjust display brightness knob located on the side. We are also offering a NAB special promo code 'nab2016' (valid until 4/30) for an additional 10% off site wide bringing this pre-order down to $540! Due to server outage the discount code will be extended for an extra day through May 1st.
  2. OK, so, came off a set last week. I'm angry at the DP. I'm angry at the camera. The DP for being a douche and calling me unprofessional for not owning a smart slate (apparently, a "real" professional owns one), and the camera for its inability to hold a time code (RED ONE MX). So, now that I am thoroughly pissed off, I am thinking of buying that slate next week, just to pummel the DPs face with it. What would you guys recommend? I see the Denecke has more heft than the Ambient, so is bound to make a greater impact. But in all seriousness, I think the Ambient ACD301 RF looks super tasty, but it's not cheap and I haven't seen it in use very often (at least not in the circles I run), or the Denecke TS-3EL which I have seen more of (albeit run down), but don't have the same expandability as the ambient system.
  3. Got thinking about it be soundslikejustin's post: "A timecode slate, if required, is the property and responsibility of the sound dept, but is used by the camera dept. A traditional clap slate (at least on the jobs i work on) is solely the responsibility of the camera dept. " Why is this? I my mind, if there is a piece of equipment that is used constantly by the camera department, it should be the camera department's. I realize that sound is responsible for timecode, but does that mean we should have to bring the camera dept a slate to use and abuse? I worked on a Union show where A slate was a rental and B slate was the sound mixer's. The AC's would bring the slates to the mixer at the top of the day (leaving them their if he was currently busy), and then retrieve them once they were jammed. This would again happen at lunch. Later in the day we head a giant sound which was obviously a slate dropping. We look and see it's the B slate as the AC picks it up. The mixer knows what's up, but the AC has the nerve to go and ask me to bring the slate to the mixer (I'm the Sound Utility) because the slate is "acting funny", not even admitting they dropped it, let alone apologizing. I just think that for my kit and my money, for me to spend $1200 plus on something that the Camera department uses exclusively, doesn't really feel responsible for, and doesn't actually get me any more sound capabilities (Wireless, etc.) then I don't see the benifit. If production wants a TC slate, they should add it to the camera rental like they do if they wants a B or C slate when the mixer already has one. Thoughts/opinion?
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