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Found 5 results

  1. Hi all, For those who need to deliver conform specs: I've been working my butt off to get things easier: My loudnessChange can now measure mono, stereo, 5.1 and 7.1 And it can correct if the loudness is wrong. But wait, there is more! It accepts inputs mono or poly, and you can output mono or poly (thus, interleave / de-interleave). For non-interleaved output, you can decide the new track names, and auto place them in a subfolder if desired. It can also remap if you go from L C R xxxx to L R C xxxx or alike, no matter the interleave in/ output. Then, if you have stems, it can auto correct the stems based on the printmaster. (that's not all, but I'll keep it short here.) I think the accuracy is on par with the competition (or better), for a fraction of the cost. But, to make it really great, the interface needs a bit of work. It's a mayhem of different formats to expect / output. I could use some others to have a look at that. If you feel to help, drop me a PM. Thanks, Bouke
  2. Hi All, Post Production Audio Question: I have come across some post audio workflows and the topics of submix, buses and loudness normalization. It's a side of post audio I have not seen and it does provide cleaner and fuller audio, but I do have some questions about this workflow: To do the EQ, noise reduction, desses, etc.. for each audio clip is better to do a submix bus for each audio clip and do the EQ and other stuff OR do a submix bus for that one track and do the EQ and other stuff? and after the submix bus then do the loudness normalization? Any answers and suggestions are welcome. Thank you.
  3. Just wondering about how to handle the 60 seconds of tone (-20dBFS/ roughly -20LKFS) and 30 sec of silence before the program starts when measuring/ correcting loudness to a target value of -24LKFS. The 1770-3 standard gates for silence but doesn't ignore tone so the integrated loudness will be skewed by that tone if included in the file to be measured/ corrected. I'm mixing close to -24LKFS by ear, doing what I've always done but I want to include a render for loudness to get as accurate as possible using RX5's loudness tool. If I include tone in the file (like I always did in the past) it'll turn down the audio because there's 1 minute of "content" (tone) that is 4 dB too loud over time, not good. On the other hand, the guys doing the layback want tone included in the file. There has to be a standard way of dealing with this by now. Thoughts?
  4. The Institute of Professional Sound, here in the UK, recently ran a loudness event in conjunction with the BBC Academy. We made videos of the two talks, and the Q&A, and are making them available to everyone and anyone, for the good of the industry. If loudness, loudness metering, R128, or the new digital delivery specs, are vexing you in any way, then I highly recommend that you watch these enlightening videos. They can be accessed via the IPS' website, which can be found here.... www.ips.org.uk, or http://tinyurl.com/nw3avel Enjoy...... Simon B
  5. Florian Camerer gives an introduction to the European Broadcasting Union's R128 Broadcast Standard and speaks in general about perceived loudness, peak normalization, loudness normalization, etc. And here the .pdf file from EBU.
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