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Found 4 results

  1. Was wondering if anyone has had experience with wardrobe sewing mic positions and transmitter pack pockets into costumes? Like COS-11s into white tank top t's?
  2. Assuming that you are able to coordinate with the wardrobe dept before major costume and outfits are created/selected, what is your standard operating procedure? What do you ask for, build in to costumes, etc? I ask because I was approached to do sound for an indie period piece / western feature, and I'd like to coordinate with wardrobe before they start making outfits exclusively out of starched silk, fresh leather and chainmail. The only other time I've been able to coordinate with wardrobe in past projects I was only able to say, COTTON COTTON COTTON.
  3. What wardrobe have you had trouble with making too much noise. Silk ties and dresses, starched shirts, stiff leather jackets and vests, down coats ...
  4. Hey all, I've edited this topic as I think people are getting confused and answering the wrong thing. I've gotten early into the preproduction of an upcoming film on which I will be sound recordist. It is a great opportunity to do whatever I can before those rushy production days. One thing I told them to do is wash the wardrobe. This is based on information I acquired here in posts about reducing lavalier clothing noise at jwsoundgroup. They asked me if there were any specifics so I decided to ask you guys directly. I wanted to know if anyone knew anything about the following: -Whether they can be safely washed several times in a row (without drying until the end) or washed once and then dried once but several times in succession? -If fabric softener helps noise? -If tumble dry is better or worse than clothesline? -If dry cleaning is effective at reducing noise (I've never done it personally)? -I also wondered if we should be aware about how much damage any of this causes to the clothes or their colors (still the visual aspect to consider)? -Anything else that is similar to the above but I might've missed? Yes I have washed clothes in the real world as everyone has, but never really paid attention to how "noisy" they sounded. It's probably got a lot behind it, this clothing-quieting-through-washing process. I wonder if there are production designers or costume designers who've got the whole process down? Is there someone accessible? I did look this up through jwsoundgroup via google, but it's difficult to do a search for "wash jwsoundgroup", "clothes noisy", or "clothes washing" or something like that without finding something unrelated about lavalier technique or maintaining our equipment. I apologize in advance if someone's already posted this topic somewhere (this one about how to go about washing clothes). Thanks for the help.
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