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Found 5 results

  1. The WM transmitter has 5 vent holes arranged in a small circle on the back panel. We had a customer cover the vent holes on about 20 units with a metal plate (label). Seventeen of these units then ruined the membrane switch surface due to internal pressure build up as the units were moved from cool surroundings to much warmer areas. In operation, the units are very airtight except for the vent. It has a Goretex seal that blocks water but passes air. We will mark all future units with engraving on the back plate that says "Don't block this vent". We put five holes back there because the milling equipment doesn't care and we figured it would be impossible for dirt or gunk to block all the holes. In sum, don't put labels over the vent holes. Best Regards, Larry Fisher Lectrosonics
  2. Hi guys! I was in a meeting about an upcoming TV series yesterday when the producer dropped in the old "oh and we'll get the presenter in a swamp and he might dive in." Having never been presented with this problem before, I thought it best to ask those who may have. Based on this conversation, I imagine I'd have to purchase a water-resistent transmitter, but how best to protect the lav when / if our guy gets submerged in muddy water? Any help would be appreciated! Cheers, Eren
  3. All current Lectrosonics WM water resistant transmitters are now being shipped with the promised desiccant doors. These hollow doors contain a small amount of desiccant with a metal screen that can remove small quantities of moisture or humid air from a sealed transmitter. The desiccant can be regenerated easily with moderate heat. Full instructions are included. At some point we will make small quantities of the desiccant material available so you can change out the desiccant material after extended use. Those customers that have already purchased WM's can get the new doors at N/C as described in the memo that came with the previous WM's. These replacement doors will be shipping early in February since they will use a little fancier thumbscrew with more initial thread lead. Eventually all units will ship with the extra thread lead part. I will post links to the new manual and instruction sheet with images. Bruce has promised they will be on the site this afternoon. Best Regards, Larry Fisher Lectrosonics
  4. Hi All, In a couple of weeks, I'll be recording sound for an unusual event: 10 row-boats will set out from a pier, each carrying one storyteller and 5 listeners (full occupancy). The boats will drop anchor 'within sight' of the pier, and will be 'not too close' to each other (that's as precise as the distance info gets unfortunately). Once in position the storytellers will begin to tell their stories concurrently which will last about 30 minutes. My job is to record 5 of the storytelers. There will be a run through in the afternoon before the performance in the evening. If range is an issue, it may be possible to get me on a searate boat to get near them. However, I would prefer to keep my Nomad on dry land. My plan is to radio 5 of the storytellers and record 5 iso tracks and a further 5 'safety' iso tracks (at a lower volume) as I can't predict when shouting may occur. My concerns are 1 - range 2 - wind protection 3 - waterproofing Range: Unfortunately I am working with G3s. I only have 2 of them so I will need to rent 3 more. As there are no cams, I can afford to mount the Tx up high on a shoulder or back. What have you all found to be the practical range of G3s? And how does that differ across water, if at all? Wind protection: As there may potentially be a lot of wind (or none), I feel I should conceal the lavs for the sake of extra wind resistance. OTOH this will lead to more clothing noise. So I really not sure what to do there. As there are no cams, perhaps I could build some kind of spacing-block to keep the cloting off the mic. Off the top of my head, something like a pair of rolled up bandages taped to the chest 2-3 inches apart, leaving space for the mic in between. Waterproofing: I will be asking production to buy/rent aquapacs to keep the TXs dry. Has anyone found any cheaper solutions that work? My lavs are DPA 4061s. Anyone know how they respond to water? How about salt water? (TBC) In the event of capsizing is there any way to waterprof a lav without totally killing the sound? I would love to hear your advice, ideas, suggestions on how you would do this, questions you would ask, and things you would look out for. Many thanks, B
  5. Hey guys, I just got a call from the folks over at Sheathing Technologies Inc about ordering body pack covers from them for my smqv's. What it came down to was, I have to order 2 boxes of 100 pieces minimum at $39ea. They're going to charge me $5 to ship to a residential address They want $22 to ship to my house in Austin Good on them for doing what they've gotta do, but I'm really only looking for around 50, so I thought it'd see if anyone out there had a supply they wouldn't mind selling from. Interested? Thanks, Parker
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