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Me again. Random thing I'm curious if anyone has experimented with.

The Mirror files obviously make a copy of what is recorded first to the primary card. If I go back, and re-name a take, or add a note that the last take was "room tone", but the Nomad has already mirrored the segment (since it does it automatically). I'm assuming that means that the mirror files would then lack the same meta-data as the primary.

The work around to this would be to leave mirrored off, until you know there is a break, or a scene change, and that all your meta data is up to date.

Just curious :)


Me again. Random thing I'm curious if anyone has experimented with.

The Mirror files obviously make a copy of what is recorded first to the primary card. If I go back, and re-name a take, or add a note that the last take was "room tone", but the Nomad has already mirrored the segment (since it does it automatically). I'm assuming that means that the mirror files would then lack the same meta-data as the primary.

The work around to this would be to leave mirrored off, until you know there is a break, or a scene change, and that all your meta data is up to date.

Just curious :)

You are right. This is the way all Zaxcom recorders have worked. You can either hold off on mirroring until you know you have all your metadata correct and then mirror, or if you change metadata on a take (primary) which has already been mirrored, just re-mirror that take.


You are right. This is the way all Zaxcom recorders have worked. You can either hold off on mirroring until you know you have all your metadata correct and then mirror, or if you change metadata on a take (primary) which has already been mirrored, just re-mirror that take.

How do you re-mirror? I was trying to do it on the fly, but couldn't figure it out. Thank you, just making sure I was following the right train of thought :)


Hey Wally. I did that very test last night. What I did was I turned mirror off, then I changes the start and end segment to whatever segment I had changed. Nomad overwrote the old file. A bit roundabout, but it works.


Hey Wally. I did that very test last night. What I did was I turned mirror off, then I changes the start and end segment to whatever segment I had changed. Nomad overwrote the old file. A bit roundabout, but it works.

sounds like a good work around :). good looks.

I think there's nothing wrong with my boom, just my HP monitoring set up. Listening to all my files and they sound good on my computer.


sounds like a good work around :). good looks.

I think there's nothing wrong with my boom, just my HP monitoring set up. Listening to all my files and they sound good on my computer.

I find my work almost always sounds better when I listen to it later on Wave Agent then when I'm in the field.


What was the issue?

I try and keep it at 12'o clock maybe 1 for monitoring.

I set it up so I have

HP1 = Master ; 1,2,3,4,5,6 -Card, Mirror, Out all checked (with "X")

HP2 = 1_ISO ; 1, Card, Mirror, Out (checked with X)

HP3=2_ISO ; 2 Card, Mirror, Out (checked with X)

And so on.

My goal is to be able to listen to all tracks, isolate the boom, and then isolate each lav.

we've both noticed that the boom on a 416 sounds a bit low. I feel like I have the trim always in the 18-20 range and the fader pod opened up to about 75% to get the actors voice into that friendly -12db yellow zone. This is for a basic medium two shot floating comfortably in range of the actor.

I will screen shot it on set tomorrow and post it, but does this make sense?


PFL is pre-fader listen. Press the PFL button, then press the channel buttons to add that input to the PFL buss. Press PFL (or is it the HP button?) again to go back to listening to your selected HP setup. Same as flicking the PFL or Solo (not quite the same) buttons on any mixer.


PFL is pre-fader listen. Press the PFL button, then press the channel buttons to add that input to the PFL buss. Press PFL (or is it the HP button?) again to go back to listening to your selected HP setup. Same as flicking the PFL or Solo (not quite the same) buttons on any mixer.

Correct. Pressing the HP returns returns you to the HP matrix.

And to elaborate a momentary push of the channel number lets you just listen to that input and if you hold an additional channel for approximately 1 second you add that input to the channel you are listening to.


Has Zaxcom ever responded to the metadata mirroring idea? I would personally like to see metadata changes appear on the mirror drive automatically.

There has been this suggestion for quite some time in the hands of Zaxcom but I think the official response many years ago was something on the lines of "we will think about it." I don't know if it is on the list of things to do or not (I also don't know if there are any technical challenges to making this possible).


As it works now if you change the meta data you will have to manually select those tracks to re-mirror. Can an automatic mirror update happen in the future? While there are no promises from Zaxcom - it is under consideration.

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