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Hello all,

I have been in contact with some local Bay area sound mixers under the "available for work" board and it seems like a Sound Mixer's gathering is in order. I will do my best to promote and organize this event, but please feel free to direct other sound mixers local to the Bay area here to RSVP.

Here are the details!

Location: Amsterdam Cafe

937 Geary St (between Larkin St & Polk St)

San Francisco, CA 94109

When: Friday, January 11 /2013 @ 5pm.

Cost: Free to enter, drinks billed individually, Cash Only.

Additional Details: I will have name tags available so that we can identify each other. Also, some shirts and caps should be available for free from Pro-Sound!

Thanks and I hope to meet all of you soon!

Paul Dorough

Email: paulsoundart@yahoo.de

Phone: 4154507729

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all!

Please note the location for the Sound Mixer's Mixer has changed to Amsterdam Cafe in San Francisco. The location was switched due to booking and cost requirements at Thirsty Bear.

No problem though! I believe we got an awesome venue at Amsterdam Cafe. They have over 200 beers, great ambience and the owner Kellie has warmly welcomed our event.

The deatails for the event are all in the original post at the top of the page. Please feel free to contact me if anyone has any questions or comments!

Hope to see you all there,



Hi all!

Just one more day to go before our Mixer tomorrow!

I have been in recent contact with Kellie at Amsterdam Cafe and have been notified that we can also bring our own food. She has even offered for us to use their kitchen! I am very appreciative for having such an inviting contact to work with at Amsterdam Cafe.

Due to the brevity of the meeting, I don't advise bringing any food to cook, but if anyone wanted to bring some snacks, that would be good. At first I was going to BBQ some chicken up for us, but decided against it because to be honest, shaking people's hands and having BBQ sauce on your face probably isn't the best way to meet and greet ( or maybe it is, what do I know!?! ). Instead, I will be bringing some chips, crackers and several dips for everyone to enjoy. As noted above, feel free to bring whatever you would like.

All that is required is I.D., good attitude and a palate for beer.

See you all soon!



Great meeting everyone last night. I Enjoyed the camaraderie of the group.

Agreed! It was great to finally meet people that I've only talked to online.


Thanks for coming out everyone!

It really was great to meet everybody. We have an awesome group of Sound Mixers in the Bay Area. Everyone was really friendly, open and fun to share stories and experiences with. I definitely agree, there was a good sense of camaraderie about. By the time the last of us left, it was almost ten o' clock...not too shabby for an event that was scheduled for only two hours (total of 5 hours)!

A special thanks goes out to Kellie as well at Amsterdam Cafe. It was a great Venue for this event and the staff at the Cafe were kind and prompt. Even the other patrons at the venue were friendly and well mannered! I recommend the place to anyone looking for a mellow hang out to enjoy a good beer.

The turn out for this event was better than I initially expected and I am looking forward to the next mixer. Several attendees voiced for a repeat meeting and I believe this would make a great annual event. And to all those that couldn't make it this time around, hopefully with enough of an advanced notice, we can find a way to have you all make it. The more ther merrier!

I will be posting pictures of the event tomorrow and in addition, will be sending pictures to Sound&Picture. Stay tuned!

A big thanks to Pro-Sound and Sound&Picture for supplying us with great beanies, shirts and stickers!

Take care fellow Mixers and have a great 2013!



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