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does anyone know where to buy the threaded 1/8" mono connector that are used for the lectro MM's?


trying to make an adaptor to go from Ta5 to the threaded cable for an MM200 that will work with a standard mc30/40 for hops as well as standard lectro ta5 lav connector. 

The adaptors I have now don't work with any mc30/40/41s I've tried.




Lectro sells adapters if you don't feel like making your own, otherwise I would email/call Lectrosonics. they will give you an exact part number. I always ordered mics wired for MM, though my MM mics came with a kit to wire a lav (the connector parts and a tiny tube of silicon seal). 


thanks for pointing me in the right direction!

I think what I'm really looking for is just the Submini Phone Connector part to build my own with. I can't seem to find one that's threaded like the MM jack is. does anyone know if this is a lectrosonics specific connector? or would I be able to find it somewhere within the depths of the interweb?


Hey Larry,

thanks for the reply. I'm looking at those connectors and it seems those are female threads. I could be mistaken but is there a male threaded connector that would work for the mm200's  just like that?


Hey Larry,

thanks for the reply. I'm looking at those connectors and it seems those are female threads. I could be mistaken but is there a male threaded connector that would work for the mm200's  just like that?

Yes, the 851 connector locks to the male threads of the  microjack in the transmitter. There is no connector, other than what we make, that locks to the female threads of the case. You really should use our connector in that it transfers all forces to the main case and not the jack and it is of course waterproof.


Larry F


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