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Hey everybody, Happy New Year to all!

Now 2013 is buried I was wondering what was some of your favorite gigs during that year and perhaps you could share them. Also, what are you hoping (sound wise) or looking forward to specifically in 2014.


Take Away Phoenix: This has been online for quite a long time now and I can certainly say this work was one of my 2013 highlights. It is something, with the other sound engineers involved, that we're very proud of and I hope you'll like it.


Basically, it's a Take Away show with the band Phoenix and it has some pretty particular things going on: we got to record them on their tour plane and with a drone in the gardens of the Versailles Castle... We also had a couple fun ideas with the mixing: can you spot them? I won't spoil it all, but if you're interested I would be glad to know if anyone ever shot/recorded sound on a plane before.





My highlights of last year and every year are the people I get to work with. From Grip & Electric, to the Vanities, Camera, 399, Craft Service, all of them are pros and I enjoy working with them. Since I do commercials, which aren't meant to last, they are all interchangeable in my view. I like the people most of all.



My highlight of 2013 was probably my getting hired on the job I'm on now. I just hope the results lead to more similar work. It's a challenging job, to say the least, but fun.


Robert your highlight reminds me this from Coppola.



i was fortunate enough to land a cool gig last summer and another in the fall that took me all around the country. not to mention it was very lucrative, which in turn i traveled to various places throughout the country to ride my mountain bike. so going forward in 2014 i'm focusing a lot more on the work/life balance with the scales leaning more in favor of the life/fun side. so far its been great and i've had the pleasure to meet up with some fellow mixers and enjoy beautiful California. 


I'd have to say my highlight of 2013 was getting through 225 days of shooting and keeping my sanity and staying married. That's not much of a highlight though.


My true highlight was having my son become a National Merit Scholar. He worked his tail off and I can't express (cheesy yes) how proud I am to see my young buck develop a work ethic and seeing the fruit of his labor. My present goal is to get my kids through college without incurring too much debt, thus the imbalance of too many working days worked for 2013.

Otherwise, I love what I do and those I do it with. Constant highlight reel.


2013 was great (knocking on a lot of wood / crossing fingers that I don't jinx myself and that 2014 is just as good or even better)


I had a pretty fun time recording this one with the Governator last December:


Also, been working on an ongoing documentary about the band "Chicago" which has been quite fascinating:


Oh wow, interesting about the Denecke connection.  The documentary does go quite into detail about Caribou Ranch and from what you'll hear in their recounts of it, it was quite the place (both good and bad).  A very creative place all on its own, but oh man, SO much drug usage that it began to lead to the downfall of many...


You can check them out playing live at this years Grammy Awards though.... 47 years in a row of touring (and still 4 original members of the band!).  They're great guys and a lot of fun to be with on tour.


He would always go on about the incredible sound of that studio, and the Neve 8016 mixing console, and how beautiful the surrounding property was.


I looked into what happened to that particular Neve 8016.  Lo and behold, it must be a board that likes beautiful scenery because now it has been restored and is being used in a studio in the Austrian Alps!



Although I met my new best friend on a 2012 shoot, it was still the highlight for 2013 - where we continued to work together.  Set friends - a beautiful thing when it happens.  At the end of the day, it's really only the people that matter.


2013's highlight was the deepening of my professional relationships and feeling more like I actually belong to this astonishingly talented and creative group of collaborative individuals. Had previously felt a bit of an outsider. Now, not so much. Warms my heart.


Also, been working on an ongoing documentary about the band "Chicago" which has been quite fascinating


Awww man! I love Chicago! I mean, their first albums (till the 5th) are really good: i used to listen to those like crazy when i was in junior high-school (which led a lot of the other pupils to consider me in a weird way). They seem to have gone way to soft and into ballads after that (in my opinion).


I'd love to see that movie.


I'd love to see that movie.

No set release date for the film because we're still shooting but here's an updated trailer that we just dropped this morning.  I dusted off my Pro Tools rig for the first time in a while and did the mix for them which was fun since I got to play around with the original multitrack stems of 25 or 6 to 4.



My 2013 highlight was working with a great small crew on a feature in Cambodia. Then watching it premiere and win an award at the Venice Film Festival. The whole crew went!

It really helped me remember that film is an art form. I think this gets lost a bit sometimes.


I'm so glad I've taken some time to catch up with my JW Sound community. This is such beautiful place and I can relate to so many of the sentiments expressed in folks' posts. It really is about the people - both at work and at home. Relationships and contribution is where I find meaning and satisfaction in life. I'm quite a homebody when not working or traveling (bought a house in 2012, but that's another story). I was blessed to have a very busy year work wise in 2013. Three big documentaries intermixed with commercials, days on other documentaries, some 2nd Units, promos, corporate jobs, a smattering of reality and stage show days. Harber's post inspired me to count 'em up; 192. That does include some travel days in addition to shooting days, but those are paid too… and some great camaraderie with all of that traveling. Some personal highlights are my step kids both really enjoying their college experiences (at SLO and CSULB). Both having a blast, learning a lot, and I am just so impressed with the kind, conscientious, and motivated young adults they are becoming. We really enjoy visiting them. Another highlight was making it out to see my parents and brothers out east for three nice visits (aiming for four in 2014!). Okay, moving onto work before this gets too mushy...


If I had to pick one highlight it would be the farming documentary we shot in the spring and summer. Director, DP, and I have worked together a lot over the years (AC and B-Cam too) and I just think they are the greatest, both at their jobs and and as co-workers. Our farmers (six of them) were amazing, too. Great people, really good on camera, compelling, contrasting stories. Not only a lot of fun, hard work to make, but I'm just really excited to see it, too. It's called Farmland (http://www.farmlandfilm.com/) and premieres in March.




Wow. 3:46 AM post gets pretty sentimental and wordy upon review. Ahh... I'll leave it anyway. Suffice to say 2013 was a good one. Hope yours was too. Here's to the higjlights of 2014.



2013 was great (knocking on a lot of wood / crossing fingers that I don't jinx myself and that 2014 is just as good or even better)

I had a pretty fun time recording this one with the Governator last December:

Also, been working on an ongoing documentary about the band "Chicago" which has been quite fascinating:

I wish I could have been there. I used to work at Golds Gym Venice at the front desk. I left a year ago to come to NYC because I fell in love with a girl. I was always fighting myself to not be annoying to the mixers that would come in regularly with crews.

Funny thing is I've gotten more work being in NYC then I ever did in LA, granted... I didn't find JWSound till I moved to NYC


I neglected to clearly state my highlight for this past year and not know how to edit my post on my iPad I will reply with another.

My highlight is as follows. Finally making my commitment for my audio career to be focused on film and video. Being great full that I live in a country that after serving in the Navy for a limited time I am still able to benefit from free education.

That I am able to use my skills as an audio professional to tell the stories of Veterans and continue serving this country in that manner.

That I found this group early in my arrival here on the east coast and being welcomed into a privileged community that has knowledge about life that reaches far beyond signal flow, pick-up patterns, and timecode.

And last but definitely not least. Making the risky move of leaving LA when there were clear opportunities open to me to forward my career and choosing to follow my heart to be with my wonderful girlfriend who I love and plan to marry.

Sorry for the cheesy post

Sincerely a bright eyed and bushy tailed rookie

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


Congrats Damon on your impending / recent engagement, you must follow your heart - no regrets.  There are quite a few ex-servicemembers here.  I find that military service has helped me put things in perspective.  The gear is a hell of a lot lighter - 15 to 25 pounds instead of 150+.  My boom pole is carbon fibre, there are many like it, but this one is mine, It doesn't weigh 10 pounds, pummel bruises into my shoulder, and have to be cleaned for an hour after every use.  Hikes to location are maybe a hundred feet instead miles and miles, and I can put shit down and rest if I get tired or get someone else to help.  The food is infinitely better and I usually get to eat in conditions where I can see what I'm eating and not have to guess if it is MRE "green omelet" or "corn beef hash".  Overnights are few and far between and when traveling, maybe I'm separated from my family for a few weeks or maybe a month at a time, rather than up to 6 months or more.


Some of the most rewarding content to work on has been stories of vets coming home to surprise families or "wounded warrior" stories about integrating soldiers back into civilian or government administrative jobs.


All in all, lots to be thankful for from '13.

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