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I have a new input board and return board on the way to me and will be fitting them myself.


Just wondering if anyone has opened Nomad - is there anything i need to watch out for?


I have a job in a week so I don't want to hit any road bumps or delays.




I have. Only to try and fix the Zaxnet aerial though.

Two screw sizes - put them to one side carefully. I used an empty icecube tray to keep track of what screw came from where.

I guess be careful with the ribbon connectors?


I have a new input board and return board on the way to me and will be fitting them myself.


Just wondering if anyone has opened Nomad - is there anything i need to watch out for?


I have a job in a week so I don't want to hit any road bumps or delays.



I am staying tuned for this one....

Good luck...  ???


It is fairly simple to open Nomad. And if you are careful you will have no problems.

Like mentioned there are two screw sizes on the case a few screws are slightly longer - just note where the longer ones came from so they go back. Some times the case will be tight - just slight pry it apart to slide if off and on.

Before closing make sure that all the ribbon cables (if I recall correctly there are 3) are attached before closing up the unit - if not you will have to re-open it to re-attach the cables 


I did it to tighten up the TC Out BNC. Lots of little screws, but the housing slid off just fine.


If you have ever dealt with PC builds and pinning jumpers to mobos, you'll be just fine.


Doug makes me think, by bringing up the idea of dealing with PC builds , I wonder if grounding yourself to avoid a sudden static electricity discharge on the board would be preferable?

Got rug at home ? Wearing wool socks ?
Just a thought...


You've probably already changed out your boards, but for anyone else...

Lots of high res snapshots at each step can't hurt, and can prevent reassembly headaches.

The case screws are kind of soft, using a correctly size phillips will prevent chewing up the screw heads.

In general using the proper tools for any complex job is a good step towards preventing frustration.


Got the Nomad opened and boards replaced. It is easy.

The only thing I wasn't expecting was that to remove the return board u must first remove the output board and then unplug the screen.

Also there is sticky-backed material attached across the top of the input board which wasn't on the new board.

A quick call to Brijen in Zaxcom confirmed that it is RF blocking/absorbing material, so I restuck it to the new board.

Before opening I laid the Nomad on an A4 sheet and traced around it. Repeated that on a 2nd sheet.

Then I marked in the position of all the bottom and top screws on the paper with blutac

Then I stuck each screw, head down, onto its position on the drawing as soon as it came out.

Took lots of photos along the way too.

In saying that I still have the same noise on my returns so I imagine my inputs are waiting to throw up that sporadic error again :(

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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