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I recently wrote an article that I wanted to share with all my friends in the music industry as I believe it contains information and tips about music piracy and preventing it that can boost any sales and exposure by 80%.

This article covers law and copyright as well as suggestions of best practices to maximise exposure and sales by using free download websites and torrents to your advantage.

Please read the article here and let me know if you have any questions or if I can help with anything, I would love to hear some industry thoughts on this.


Your friendly neighbourhood freelance music industry advisor and marketing consultant,

Narcis 'Nachos' Radoi


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Just bought and downloaded the new album from Thom Yorke (singer of Radiohead). It got released without any pre-advertising, at least to my knowledge. You purchased it through a link that contained a BitTorrent Bundle, which basically is a torrent file but you need to pay for it in order to be able to use it. Real clever. It downloaded in minutes, cost me 6 USD, and it had all the images and everything you needed. If the album is better than 6 USD I'm gonna get a hold of the physical one, if there is one.


Haven't read your article yet, but I will as soon as I get the time.

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