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Non-Union Sound Mixer Willing to Bid Up Indie Referrals

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Thought I would post here since I'd love to pick up some non-union sit-in and referral jobs in the Los Angeles Area. I've been mixing full time for 2 years and have a couple cable TV features under my belt, among a multitude of corporate and commercial work. I'm also comfortable swinging it or being a utility.


I have a small Nomad 10 follow cart for narratives and a 302 bag for smaller OTF and sit down interview jobs. 4 channels of Zaxcom wireless (3 lavs and wireless boom), and 3 ERX IFB. Additionally, I have 2 Wisycom wideband channels with the assortment of COS11-D and DPA 4060 mics.


If anything, feel free to refer low-no jobs so I can bid up the equipment and labor rates. I'm going broke turning down these $350/12 all in jobs, but I figure it's time to step it up in educating production about what they can and cannot afford with their budgets.


Thanks for reading, and have fun out there!

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This should be interesting......

Equipment is negotiable, labor and experience are not ®


The interesting part for me, working as an independent contractor, is whether or not I'll ever be able to afford to have a family, a home, and a car in Los Angeles without contributing to eroding rates.


So far so good on a home and a car, but it looks like I may have to marry up or find a new line of work if I ever want kids.


Sorry mom! ®

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Hi Doug - yeah interesting sentiments - Times are tough and expectations seem to rise but not the rates.  I had a conversation with a production manager the other day - he noted that soundies he'd dealt with seemed to raise their rates when Hops were requested - I was a little susprised that he was, er suprised by this - I explained the costs involved in purchasing links but that didn't seem to motivate him to change his budget - nice guy, I've done quite a lot for them but have always cabled or jam synced - They've got a new shooter and he wants links it seems.


  I've recently changed my expectations about what I want from this career/life, sure work is inconsistent, but my job is often facinating and sometimes the perks are awesome.  I'm pretty happy with it.  I've recently turned down a feature where they were offering $50 a day + $50 for gear with a deferred payment, however this deferred payment was only to the level of my normal day rate, for a week!!! - I'm not sure what universe they're existing in,  they've made a few films now, with some minor success - they just don't seem to be able secure funding to pay people properly.  Another local mixer was trying to convince me not to do aforementioned feature for the cash, but because it's a story worth telling - however I note he's not available for the next block...... bit of a ramble, think I'm agreeing with you ;-)

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I'm going to hook-you-up bro


x prohibited[?]  


a day ago  ◀ prev  next ▶  SOUND MIXER NEEDED (Studio City)
© craigslist - Map data © OpenStreetMap

(google map) (yahoo map)

compensation: no pay
Sound Mixer needed for a couple of hours on Saturday Nov 1st and Sunday Nov 2nd. Must have own equipment: at least a recorder and 2 lavs.
  • do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers

post id: 4734488344



a day ago  

email to friend


♥ best of [?]

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jozz: " I've recently turned down a feature where they were offering $50 a day + $50 for gear with a deferred payment, however this deferred payment was only to the level of my normal day rate, for a week!!! - I'm not sure what universe they're existing in, "


it's a FEATURE..

frankly, I'll venture to say if it actually gets made it will not be featured anywhere...


" a production manager the other day - he noted that soundies he'd dealt with seemed to raise their rates when Hops were requested - "

ya' think ??

" They've got a new shooter and he wants links it seems. "

well then, no worries,  you'll be very happy to use his, and for your regular rates.

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it's a FEATURE..

frankly, I'll venture to say if it actually gets made it will not be featured anywhere...

I just want to tell you Senator, a few years ago a low budget movie was shot here in Germany. It had great actors, a great story and it looked and sounded great, too. It was a low budget production (not sure how low exactly, some say 100% deferred).

It was a big hit at the box office (does that make it a feature in your world?) and it went on to win the foreign film Oscar.

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constantin: "some say 100% deferred "

well, since you brought it up, did anyone actually collect their deferred compensation when the movie was successful ??

I realize that is a different discussion.

and I stand by my comment you quoted.

As well you should. I'm just saying there are exceptions and it's foolish to dismiss every low-budget project just because it is low-budget.

I don't know, by the way if the crew ever got their payment.

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I collected deferral payments from 3 low-budg features back in the day, the filmmakers were honest and successfully defended their promise to pay the crew deferrals during the negotiations with distributors.  I worked on a few more whose producers either weren't successful at this or didn't try, and the deferral payments were moved back so far in the payback scheme that we never saw any money at all.  This is all to say that you have to have some judgement about how honest and forthright the filmmakers are re deferred payment contracts if actually getting paid that money is important to you, and you have to get info about how the payout of profits from the production will go, and what constitutes "profit" in the first place.   My recent experience is that most lowball indies don't even bother with the pretense of deferred payment, no matter how fictional it might be, since they figure they can crew up for pennies and Subway tuna via CL and the thousands of newbies who graduate from all the new "art and media" schools every term.



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