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NYC, Broadway show desk jack, easy gig.

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Hello all,

       A British company I have worked with for years who film theatre shows and musicals for online promotion need a NYC local Recordist on Sunday the 22nd and Tuesday 24th November on Broadway.  The Sunday will be about three hours 'work' as it will be just taking a feed from the desk to get the LR music feed from a live show.  The Tuesday will be four scenes from the show, theatre crew doing the micing and FOH desk work.  No orchestra that day so playback of the Sunday recording and recording the desk feed of performance dialogue and singing whilst it's filmed, probably a couple of runs on each scene.  Supply a nice stereo mix of the two together for immediate use and Bob's your uncle.  No audience atmos etc required, just the desk feeds, jam the cameras and enjoy nice sit down job in the stalls whilst the Camera dept do all the work.

So who's game?

Edited by Julian Willson AMPS
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