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Hi, a newbbie here, with a ew100 g3 problem:

Transmitter is sending signal, reciever's screen indicates signal input but no audio coming out from minijack's output of my ew100 g3 system. I've been told it's the output's resistor, but wanted to know if anyone experienced a similar problem.

Would love to read your thoughts,




What are to plugging the G3 into Pablo?

For instance, plugging a G3 into the minijack connector on a RED will not work. You have to use a normal minijack to minijack lead.



One thing to check is that the little ring on the minijack socket is tightened. One of my units cut out intermittently and it seems that the ring had come loose. Tightening it made it come good.


"I've been told it's the output's resistor, but wanted to know if anyone experienced a similar problem"?
- I've never encountered it or even read about that happening. (Though Phantom Power / unbalanced outputs have been known to cause damage)

If the EK100 portable receiver (assuming that's what you have) meter indicates audio is present, it's likely the output cable wiring. The EK100 output is unbalanced and should be wired specifically, so generic off-the-shelf cables/adapters usually won't work.

What kind of input are you feeding? (connector and operating level)?

For instance, an XLR input should be wired:
3.5mm plug tip to XLR pin-2
3.5mm plug ring: not connected (aka, floated)
3.5mm plug sleeve/ground to XLR pin-1 and pin-3

  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, thanks for your answers.

I sent it to service here in Montevideo. At first, they indeed told me it was the output's resistor that wasn't working anymore. (A collegue from Montevideo had experienced the same problem with a ew100 G2). They replaced it, and told me it was working again. Once I got home, I checked it an now only intermittent noise was coming out of the receiver's mini jack output. So I took it to service again. Now he's telling me "a false contact from the tape (or flex?) that unites two boards in the circuit has caused the device to not respond correctly, I can’t change it’s digital parameters”. That sounds kind of akward to me (also sorry for the weak translation), and I'm not sure about the relationship between cause/consequence, but anyway: Is there a way to restart or set the G3 to default? Do you guys think that might be the actual cause for this new problem?


That happens to me too. I went to one location and I turned it on. It showed on the receiver that it is muted. I'm sure everything was correct from the transmitter, since I changed to another receiver, it worked. I looked up the manual for the receiver, it doesn't even mention it. But actually this problem happens sometimes to me. I have the same problem with different G3 receivers. 

On 10/12/2015 at 2:24 PM, RaizDigital said:

Hi, thanks for your answers.

I sent it to service here in Montevideo. At first, they indeed told me it was the output's resistor that wasn't working anymore. (A collegue from Montevideo had experienced the same problem with a ew100 G2). They replaced it, and told me it was working again. Once I got home, I checked it an now only intermittent noise was coming out of the receiver's mini jack output. So I took it to service again. Now he's telling me "a false contact from the tape (or flex?) that unites two boards in the circuit has caused the device to not respond correctly, I can’t change it’s digital parameters”. That sounds kind of akward to me (also sorry for the weak translation), and I'm not sure about the relationship between cause/consequence, but anyway: Is there a way to restart or set the G3 to default? Do you guys think that might be the actual cause for this new problem?

Ok sorry the last post had some missing phrases, here's the complete post

On 12/12/2015 at 2:49 AM, Jim Feeley said:


Here are the contacts I can easily find (through google) for Sennheiser's distributor in what I presume is your location:


But you probably already know that.... Good luck!


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