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Hi Jim, If you are thinking of Reaper for Location capture rather than Post, the Timecode thing is still a little odd - I did a post earlier in this thread about the work-arounds, and the situation hasn't changed significantly from that. Chasing incoming TC is reasonably easy, Outputting transport TC not so much. 


Reaper is an excellent DAW. Easy to use, tons of features. Great for tracking and mixing. I prefer it over Ableton, Fruity Loops, and some other ones I've tried.

On 8/23/2018 at 8:44 PM, nickreich said:

Hi Jim, If you are thinking of Reaper for Location capture rather than Post, the Timecode thing is still a little odd - I did a post earlier in this thread about the work-arounds, and the situation hasn't changed significantly from that. Chasing incoming TC is reasonably easy, Outputting transport TC not so much. 

I often put LTC on an audio track and output it thru a separate bus.   This website has an easy and free way of making a long LTC audio file.




I'm starting to like Reaper a lot.  I still am using Pro Tools HD for my film mixes, however I've been using Reaper's Media Library functionality as my SFX database manager since it searches so darn fast and I can drag and drop directly from it into my Pro Tools timeline.


For timecode: you could also use something like the Ultrasync ONE which sends LTC out on both outputs simultaneously, you could send one to Reaper and the other one to wherever you like. 

  • 8 months later...

I'm also sold to reaper for about six years now. As I'm mainly doing music with it I have trouble all the time I'm going to use it for film post. The problem is that reaper is not supporting aaf import. I tried a lot of workarounds over the years inclusive "aatranslator" but unfortunately with no satisfying results. Anybody has success with any workaround importing aaf to reaper? 


AAT works if the AAF you get isn't really screwed up.  I keep a "vanilla" version of ProTools around to check exports--often if AAT has a problem with an AAF then PT does too--good to know.   The freeware DaVinci Resolve can also open and (theoretically) export AAFs.  What NLEs are you getting exports from that are causing problems?  At least 8 times out of 10 problems I have opening exports are caused by issues in the picture edit system, especially how they imported the files originally, have they mixed sample rates, frame rates and audio file types in the timeline, are they doing a lot of over- or under-crank speed effects on clips, how organized are their files on their drives, and have they followed a consistent naming convention, and so on.  If the people you are working with are cutting on Final Cut X then there are extra issues to deal with, again on their end not yours.  With inexperienced (or lazy) editors it sometimes takes a few tries to get it all to work, no matter what DAW you are using.  I encourage you to email the AAT folks--they are very responsive and will run tests for you.   One trick I discovered re: AAT, Reaper and crappy AAFs: try converting the AAF to AES31 (in AAT) first, then convert the AES31 ADL to a .rpp.


What are "no satisfying results"?. OMF never did not transfer the plug-ins and such either.. just the timeline,  x-fades and in some cases the volume & pan envelopes.. the same with AAF.. AAtranslator worked as well as could be expected with Reaper and Vegas Pro in my experience. Directly importing an AAF never worked very well with the above NLEs for me unless it was originated in the native app.


I have had a lot of success with the conversion software Vordio. http://vordio.net/ Converts from Final Cut Pro XML to RPP, and can accept XMLs from FCPX, Da Vinci, Lightworks and Premiere. Reasonably priced, and can be downloaded for free by the editor who can run the conversion without a license. They then send you the output (including converted files) and you can run it back through your licensed version to finish the job. 


I used to use AATranslator, and still do sometimes, but Vordio usually covers most of my needs now. 



On 5/21/2019 at 6:49 PM, Rick Reineke said:

What are "no satisfying results"?

The last time i tried it is some time ago so i dont know the exact error message, but the aatranslator itself was unable to open the aaf file. My version was uptodate and i contacted the programmer of aatranslator that time. As it was a small project (like always im doing post) i just rented protools, opened the aaf in there and bounced the tracks for reaper. I didnt had a dialogue with the editor to try different export versions as the project was quite small and i dont wanted to spend much time on things like that. But all projects i did (different editors, etc.) were similar unsuccessfull.


I've been using Reaper more and more these days, but still haven't done much post mixing in it.  I use it for live recording, sfx editing, and recently have been using it as a sfx library manager to search and find sfx for sound design work.  As with all software there are things I wish it did differently, like metering a mono track in a 3rd order Ambisonics workflow (why do I have to see 16 meters in the mono track?!?!?), but I have little gripes like that about all software.  All in all I have been really enjoying using it, and I find it to be very stable and efficient CPU wise.  Enough so that I have been doing some live mixing on it for custom routing setups that my console can't handle.

It took me a minute to figure out how they implemented it, but the LTC generator that can be put on a track is a handy feature too and negates the need for me to keep pre made ltc audio files around.

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