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Just wanted to say how privileged I feel to have been on and survived ten years of CSI. It's been, and hopefully will continue to be, a great ride and a wonderful learning experience. I've seen three wonderful and outstanding boom men, Donavan Dear, Kenny Mantlo and Brian Whooley, go on to be outstanding mixers. I've lost a head of hair and countless arguments, I gained a little weight and countless experiences and appreciated every up and down that this job has presented. THis isn't a retirement speech, far from it. I hope they come on one day and find me dead in my chair, book open and Sunday Times crossword completed. I'm game for as many more seasons as they can throw at me.

I appreciate this site and the members whose opinions and expertise have helped and intrigued me over the years and I look forward to more reading and contributing in the future. I'll sign off now before this becomes a ramble but I really enjoy you guys and the job we do.




...and we all appreciate you, Mick, more than you can know, you are a truly valued participant here, one of the reasons we have such a good group going.

feel free to ramble and congratulations on the amazing 10 year run!

-  Jeff Wexler


Hope our paths cross again soon, Mick.  A second unit set visit on "CSI" with John Coffey is what led me to where I am today, and for that I consider myself eternally fortunate.



...I'll sign off now before this becomes a ramble...

Too late.

But, you know what...  we enjoy your rambling -- and everything else you've contributed to this forum.

Congrats on ten years!  That's something to celebrate.

May your next ten be even more fruitful and enjoyable -- wherever they lead.  And, please, continue to share them with everyone here.

John B.


Congratulations on the 10 years! I've been watching this series since the begining and loved it and I must say that after all these years I'm still amazed by the plot, acting and of course sound! Can't wait to watch season 10.

Best regards,


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