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I have a couple older COS-11d mics that need cleaning. Upon putting a magnifier on the grill I can see their appears to be nasty build up of years of tape goo, dust and perhaps wardrobe fibers.


Before I go stabby with a pin in an attempt to clean up the grill pores, does anyone know;

1) Does grill comes off?

2) is there a cloth/fiber barrier below the grill and that is what I am seeing?





It's not easily removable, no.  If you search there's a thread on JW about repairing broken capsules that talks about an epoxy process needed to put things back together if it is taken apart, but it's not a simple process.  You'd probably be removing glue.

There is a small amount of polyester (?) batting immediately below the grill, but you don't have to poke very far before you hit the diaphragm.  I certainly wouldn't want to poke anything in there (besides which, you'd just end up pushing the grime further into the microphone).


I would start by soaking the head in distilled water for a couple days, and then letting it dry for a week or two.  If that doesn't do it (because it can't dissolve the oil and wax that has built up), you could probably use a solvent of some sort, but I'd ask around first about what would be safe to use.  I'm not an expert on that.

Here's a useful JW thread:  It's not the best one I can remember, but it has some info:


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