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XLR Plug on solution for A20 Tx


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I’d like to use A20 Tx like real Plug-on Tx: Plug it into an XLR and get going. I want to avoid fiddling with mini Lemo plugs on each change of Mics, I want to avoid the need for a dedicated lemo-XLR cable for each mic mount and I want to use quicklocks without having to dismantle them for each change of booms.

Does anyone have an XLR plugon solution for A20 Tx for that? Sg. like a small+light cheese plate for the Tx that already incorporates a short adapter cable from Lemo 3 to XLR3F with the XLR firmly attached to the cheese plate? Comparable to  https://nylonindustries.com/collections/boompole-products/products/copy-of-zmtph-3-0-nylon-plug-on-adaptor for ZMT4 Tx.  3D print solutions? 

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