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Hi, I am considering buying a SL6 for the MCR54.  How does this combination work?  I know that it cannot handle all 4 channels and the other two must go through the upper output.  I would be OK with this limitation, but does this setup work reliably and the two channels that are via the Superslot can be rotated without problems using the menu in the SD688?

I'm currently using a PSC multiSMA splitter, so I don't know if SL6 is a step forward :)

 Thank you very much

  • humbuk changed the title to MCR54 vs SL-6 - "is it worth it"

Thank you, I'm not so much interested in the dashboard, but in the possibility of getting rid of cables :), in this case unfortunately not all. I'm just worried about how reliable the combination of MCR54 with SL6 is....
I don't really want to upgrade to 8xx, not mainly for financial reasons. Thanks

2 hours ago, humbuk said:

Thank you, I'm not so much interested in the dashboard, but in the possibility of getting rid of cables :)

Fair enough, from my perspective the benefit(s) of getting rid of cables is:

1) it's a neater / tidier setup, but the Soundbag Dashboard kinda does that too, keeps everything neatly and rigidly in place and never slopping around (which even if velcroed / strapped in place, still does this at least a little bit)

2) maybe ditching weight, but if you're using short and neat cables, then the SL6 (or SL2) setup would be heavier

Anyway, that's just my own personal opinion / 2c / feeling about it, that I thought I'd share. 


Why are you wanting to do it?

3 hours ago, humbuk said:

but in the possibility of getting rid of cables...


I added an SL6 to my 688 years ago. Because I got rid of audio and power cables to RX and no longer needed a BDS, my bag lost about half a pound. I switched to a Scorpio with SL2 a couple years ago. Better in all respects except for the loss of a couple power outputs on the SL6. The best part was getting rid of the cables. For that, I prefer the SL2/8 series combo.


The Dashboard was a nice addition to my MixPre 10 rig, holding a DSR and BDS firmly in place in a small bag.





Thanks, but I'm not really interested in the functionality of the SL6 itself, it's certainly fine, but I'm interested in the functionality of the SL6 with the Wisycom MCR54, is it reliable? Thanks

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