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Hey All,

Just posted the next entry in my blog series, recounting my travels through Nepal and India making location recordings.

This entry you'll find me in the holy Indian city of Varanasi, recording a family trio on sitar, tabla and violin. If you're into eastern music be sure to check this out.


Comments and feedback always welcome too.




Wow this is really awesome thank you! It sounds good too, what a quiet location whew, no traffic... I wish the recording was longer, much longer. I'd like to hear the 10-20 minutes preceding the music (the people getting ready) as well as the aftermath. It would be cool to hear people sounds on this recording. Are you just doing music recording? I will have to catch up on this site seems like there's a bunch of cool recordings and writings. Thanks for this it reminds me of how much I'd like to travel before I get too much older... Hey need a sub? ha ha

Dan Izen



The next GEOS trip to Nepal & India is being organised right now by Greg Simmons.

You can find out about it here on Facebook

Greg has been organising these trips each year since 2004. Anyone that is interested is welcome to go for all or part of the trip.


John Tudor

Littlehampton, South Australia


THIS IS SO COOL!!!! This is the kind of thing I wish I could make a living doing. Why didn't I know about this Simmons fellow? I would sign up for 2012 in a heartbeat but in fact I'm working until Feb. I'll miss the whole thing. Dammit!

I want to contact Greg and ask him about 2013 and perhaps reserve the dates ahead of time. I have a lot of listening to do on Joseph's site. I hate facebook though we're going to have to go through email.

One thing I'd like to talk to Greg about is the other valuable and cool recordings besides music this trip can capture. Everybody records music when I bet you there are so many more cool sounds to capture. Did you record anything besides music? Things like impromptu interviews with the participants as sort of an audio travelogue, as well as traveling sounds and of course straight up hours-long field recordings. For example, I would LOVE to be able to listen to the entire night, from the setting up of the instruments to the fumbling with mic placement and even a voice slate or on-the-fly narrative parts, uninterrupted all the way until the whole thing was over. I like long recordings, I'd listen to this if it were 12 hours. I'm not kidding!

Thank you for sharing this, I have a good feeling about 2013...

Dan Izen



I posted the link to the GEOS FB page, but Jo posted the link to his blog of HIS trip with Greg.

I'll check with Greg and see if he minds me giving you his email address. BUT if you do join FB you'll get to see a LOT of the trip photos on his page from previous years. An added bonus is that he uses these photos as 'mini' lectures to his audio students, so there is a lot of information on them about technique and reasons why a particular thought process has gone into the choices. If you do join FB I'll suggest you to each other as a 'Friend' request.

Also, over the past few years, they have done various side projects on the trips. Such as 5.1 atmos recordings, debating monks, cremations along the ganges, houseboats along the ganges - the list goes on. (In fact Greg did a review on here of the 5.1 microphones some time ago. His name here is 'Simmosonic') (I couldn't find the post here, so maybe it got lost during the change to the new site.)

Greg founded the Australian magazine 'Audio Technology' and there is an article in one issue about his first trip to Nepal & Tibet. I have both a PDF version of the article 'Microphones to Tibet' and the two MP3 'compilations' referred to online here for download.

As an aside, it was this article that got me interested in recording.



PS - FB doesn't have to be a bad thing. I've managed to keep my 'Friend' list to less than 20 for a long time now by only accepting requests from people that FB is useful for collaberating with. Rather than all of my friends or 'want to be' friends. If you keep it like that, it's extremely useful for sharing good information.



Here are some YouTube videos of previous trips. Most of the sound on these clips is directly from the video microphone, not the recording session 'good' mics.



Thank you!! I will be writing Mr. Simmons soon. I'm just so swamped with this current gig it's tough to construct an email to someone who is my newest hero... I am a member of FB and I love the idea of trimming it down to 20 friends. I should do that. I'll be checking out his page soon, when I have time! Jack I cannot wait to hear these videos this is the kind of sound I will probably love, real natural and echoey right? Dis weekend I vow to listen to these files, go visit Mr. Simmons FB page, and also write him an email...

Dan Izen

  • 4 weeks later...

For some reason I wasn't getting notices of when people posted here so I had no idea this conversation was going on! Sorry about that guys.

Dan - Most of the recordings made were of music and in performances such as this I was only rolling when they were playing. I wish I had made more recordings like you suggested. General atmos of areas and interviews with people, I think next time that will be a much higher priority!

Mark - Thanks mate! I tried to keep it as raw and honest as possible.

John - Thanks as always!

FYI - I just posted my latest entry to the forum -


Hey All,

Just posted the next entry in my blog series, recounting my travels through Nepal and India making location recordings.

This entry you'll find me in the holy Indian city of Varanasi, recording a family trio on sitar, tabla and violin. If you're into eastern music be sure to check this out.


Comments and feedback always welcome too.



Hey Jo,

That is so cool! I'm envious -- I've seen the Mishras several times now (used to take Tabla lessons from Marco Zonka who plays with them a lot)... they are absolutely amazing to watch. My favorite performance of theirs so far was in someone's livingroom in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho... there were maybe 30 people there -- we all sat on the floor with our jaws dropped. Amazing musicians -- and amazing people... you are blessed my friend!

~tom taylor

  • 4 weeks later...

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