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Hello everyone. I am brand new to this forum, and I must say it's a wealth of information.

One of my regular gigs is recording podium speeches outside.

What I'm using on the podium is 2 MK41 capsules.

The problem I'm running into is wind protection.

Most of you would probably tell me to slap a windjammer on the capsules and call it a day. I wish it was that easy...

It has to look good on camera, too.

JW, any thoughts?


- Ryan


Shure make a larger foam windshield which a lot of the concert tapers seem to use. It has a less dense acoustic foam in the center and the normal windshield foam wrapped around it


You see these on podiums all the time


Hey Jonathan, thanks for your reply.

If that foam is made for an SM57, I'm afraid it might be too large for my purposes. Do you know where I can see a photo of that on a podium?


Hey Ryan

No these foams are fine for CMC641, I have 2 and use them on the Schoeps. The windshield is meant for the SM81 but fits snugly enough on the Schoeps. I remember watching the Obama inauguration speech with 2 of those on the podium,, aah here we go:)



Hey Jonathan, thanks for your reply.

If that foam is made for an SM57, I'm afraid it might be too large for my purposes. Do you know where I can see a photo of that on a podium?

The Shure windscreen that Jonathan mention is the same as what the US presidential podium has used for decades, but with a smaller hole to fit the Shure SM81, and is idea for the Schoeps MK41 (and CMC641 rig). The reason it works well goes beyond the size of the foam, and has a lot to do with the inner foam piece that is very open cell. This similates the Schoeps hollow foam tear drop (B5D) but more of it. Schoeps also makes a hollow foam ball that gives more protection than the tear drop, but the diameter is about the same as the Shure, so the appearance issue you mentioned about the Shure, might be the same with the hollow foam ball. Other than that, you can use the Schoeps CUT-1, which might actually take care of the remaining rumble.

Glen Trew


I have a Olsen-Windtec (US-2, I think) that has an open-cell inner core that works good on my SD condensers. it's available for different diameter mics. Probably very similar to the Shure.


Posted (edited)

Welcome to jwsound...

" it might be too large for my purposes. "

" to have an ugly fuzzy ball there (like a W20) is a no-go. "

Isn't what the person is saying important..?? maybe even more important than how the person looks ??

lots of options, including a different mic (USA presidents have been using SM-57's for decades (hmmm, there may be a reason, it certainly isn't a budget issue!)., low cut filters (will help), and if the wind protection is either big, or fuzzy, the mic could be lower (again I'll refer you to the USA presidential podium). and, what about shock mounting ??

Edited by studiomprd

Hey Ryan, welcome to jwsoundgroup.net. I agree w all the tips given so far. I kind of question your choice of mic. The MK41 is a great mic for many occasions but not what I would choose for a podium scene because of many of the issues you're having trouble with. Also if these mics are part of a PA system feedback is a real possibility. Also they pick up more of the unwanted sound on the podium and in the environment. For me, a dynamic mic like a SM57 is a better choice in many of these situations Just my opinion and it is free so you know what that is worth.


Posted (edited)

I still love my EV RE-18's for podiums, but they are discontinued, and only the RE-16 is left in that series (I'm a long time fan of EV's "variable-D" system of cardioid mic's) as an option, also excellent; and I'd suggest a shock mount, and Olsen (aka Wind Tech) has some nice ones.for podium use (SP-20 / SP-25)...

(FYI, the RE-18 was the RE-15 -which is an RE-16 without the wind ball- in a shock mount + wind protection, similar to the way an RE-50 is an EV-635a built in a shock + wind mount, both the RE-18 and RE-15 are discontinues)

Edited by studiomprd

I agree with all the free advices ! ::)

If you really want to use your Schoeps, why not using a B20 (smaller than the W20) plus a black foam on it ?


Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone!!

I have checked out the suggestions so far. I don't think I'll be switching the mic any time soon as much as I want to switch to a SM57 - you're right, there is something to be said for the presidential podium using that mic for so long. The RE-16 looks like a great option.

I am really interested in the Wind Tech Mic Muff or the US-3.

I do happen to own the B20s (with the silk on the outside) and for some reason, the tonality doesn't sound quite right to me. It loses it's body and sounds thin, the mids are phasey and I don't know what the logic is of manufacturing a windscreen with a piece of plastic the size of the head of a nail smack dab in front of the capsule. Perhaps I'm using it wrong? I slip it on as far as it goes (and to be honest, it's pretty difficult to place this screen on the mic. Each time I put it on it feels like the ball is going to break).


Yeah - I think it's correctly on there because it has a lip that stops it (it's not hollow, it has a guide and stopper for the mic to hit in the middle).

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