First off, Im not a sound guy by any means. understand the basics. Long story short, I borrowed a 788t from a friend and he's out of the country.( Don't want to bug him on the family getaway) i have a couple basic questions that i need some advice on.
- what should i set the sample rate and bit depth to?
-file type- poly or mono?
-ill be shooting at 30 frames. what should the TC frame rate be set to on 788? ive heard to set it to 29.97. not sure if thats true.
-using wireless mics. when the receiver is plugged in, should the track be set to mic or line? 48k with mic?
- i have 4 lectrosonic 411a's all set to -20, with the transmitter gain around 11 o'clock. is this correct?
i know im working with a beast here so any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks so much.