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Tig Moore

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    Burbank Ca
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    Member 695
  • Interested in Sound for Picture

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  1. Hey Sound Gents, I am proud to say "I got In!" i am member of local 695. Thanks for all the help and advice. question: I am also on the Work Experience Roster with contract services, but the 695 websites says I am not. Anyone know how to get that changed? Now the fun part, getting work. I hope to meet you all soon. Thanks Again, Tig
  2. thanks for all your help gentlemen. today is my appointment at 695 to submit my 100 days paperwork. next stop is contract services office to submit there. with some hope and a little luck, i will get to meet some of you on a job.... cheers! tig
  3. hey guys, am i understanding correctly? i could submit my 100 day paperwork, have it accepted by 695, pay my rather large "buy in" and not be eligible to work because the experience roster? once the union accepts my 100 days and money, i am member and can work union gigs, right??? i am not concerned with insurance at this point in my life, i just want to switch from touring and live covert audio union live audio so my income is based in LA rather being away from my family all the time. i really appreciate all your comments and help! this is all somewhat confusing to me, as i have never dealt with this sort of bureaucracy.
  4. studiomprd - i read that other thread. you mentioned that $$$$ is a factor in whether they approve your paperwork or not. what did you mean? if i can afford a higher "buy in" does my paperwork suddenly get approved? this all seems so incredibly difficult to me. i don't understand why they don't want qualified people in the union? tig
  5. What does this mean? can you pay to have all the "100 days under a magnifying glass" nonsense go away?
  6. hey fellow audio gents. i am new to this site, hoping to gain some practical knowledge. i have been a working sound engineer for 22 years in the concert business. i am hope to join 695. a lot of the shows i work on have been filmed for TV, News, Film, Concert DVD's. i am gathering all my records now to to come up to the 100 days mark. the problem i may have is: often i have no idea what these people at my shows are filming for. my boss will give me a letter that the show was filmed and they took a "board feed" from me. will this be a problem? any other advice when starting the 695 process is helpful too. thanks! Tig
  7. hey fellow audio gents. i am new to this site, hoping to gain some practical knowledge. i have been a working sound engineer for 22 years in the concert business. i am hope to join 695. a lot of the shows i work on have been filmed for TV, News, Film, Concert DVD's. i am gathering all my records now to to come up to the 100 days mark. the problem i may have is: often i have no idea what these people at my shows are filming for. my boss will give me a letter that the show was filmed and they took a "board feed" from me. will this be a problem? any other advice when starting the 695 process is helpful too. thanks! Tig
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