Syncing Mad Max - Fury Road
I had the pleasure to do an interview with Ben Osmo, Production Sound Mixer and Oliver Machin, Sound Department Coordinator & Vehicle FX Recordist about their work on Mad Max - Fury Road in the desert of Nambia, Africa.
Three units with up to 12 cameras worked simultaniously, sometimes up to 7km (4.35 mi.) away from each other while driving with 60-90 km/h (37- 56 mph). The air filled with desert sand containing metallic parts that drastically decreased wireless range, while the VFX dpt wanted the camera to use the UTC time information from the GPS satellites to be used as the reference for timecode, which enabled cross referencing between GPS positioning and the pictures.
Over the course of our three-hour interview, Ben & Oliver recalled detailed information about their workflow, the tasks they had to manage, and their solutions to the technical challenges introduced by production demands and environmental conditions.
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